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Connect Global School Sponsorships

Connect Global School Sponsorships

The Connect Global Team is very excited about what this Student Sponsorship has to offer. Our friends and partners have done an excellent job jumping in and sponsoring students in La Ceiba, Honduras. We invite you to join us and share your love and support for these students who are still in need of sponsorship! You will be glad you did!

Updated: April 4, New Names have been added and these super smart students are in need of sponsorship! 

Students in need of Sponsorship

Below is a Printable poster for each student. Please feel free to download, and print or save for your convenience 

Thank you for all of your prayer and your support! 


Are you already Sponsoring a Student in Honduras? Perhaps you would like to share your experiences with our team. Add your comment below and let us know how this opportunity has impacted you and your family! 
Join Connect Global in Honduras for our next trip to see the students we sponsor in La Ceiba. 

Join Connect Global in Honduras for our next trip to see the students we sponsor in La Ceiba. 

The Connect Global Team is sponsoring students at two schools in La Ceiba, Honduras. New Life School & Heaven's Door School. 

The Connect Global Team is sponsoring students at two schools in La Ceiba, Honduras. New Life School & Heaven's Door School. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2018. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Thank You for Your Support


Maternity Home Project Update December 2017

Maternity Home Project Update December 2017

The Connect Global Team is very excited about the progress of the Maternity Home fundraising as well as the building and construction efforts.  Updated: December 29th

Together we have been able to raise over $131k towards our Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras. Thank You!

We began raising funds for a desperately needed place for moms and expecting moms to rest just before and immediately after giving birth and are only weeks away from breaking ground. 


We traveled to La Ceiba, Honduras with a team of 13 at the end of October. We were able to publicly dedicate the land at the hospital for the Maternity Home.

I am very excited about the project coming together and to be able to share this progress with you! As we were there praying over the land and the project, we received the approval for construction. This is a huge step forward as we have been waiting most of the summer for this process to be approved. 

We are headed into the Rainy season for Honduras, which may delay some of the work, but we were expecting a slowdown for winter and we know the timing is perfect and being worked out on our behalf. 

Thank you for all of your prayer and your support! 

If you would like to make a donation towards the project before the year ends please click here

Our local contractor/architect, Eduardo Oviedo Jr.  has done a fantastic job getting the plans ready and we are excited to be getting closer to ground breaking. 
Travis Moffitt Center facing, describing the Maternity Home Project for local media in La Ceiba, Honduras October, 2017 - Photo Javier Mendoza

Travis Moffitt Center facing, describing the Maternity Home Project for local media in La Ceiba, Honduras October, 2017 - Photo Javier Mendoza

Connect Global Team Including Jorge Amador, Travis Moffitt, and Javier Mendoza with Architect and Contractor, Eduardo Oviedo Jr, Far Left, and his brother Raul Oviedo, Far Right. 

Connect Global Team Including Jorge Amador, Travis Moffitt, and Javier Mendoza with Architect and Contractor, Eduardo Oviedo Jr, Far Left, and his brother Raul Oviedo, Far Right. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2018. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Thank You for Your Support


Maternity Home Project Update November 2017

Maternity Home Project Update November 2017

The Connect Global Team is very excited about the progress of the Maternity Home fundraising as well as the building and construction efforts.  Updated: November 7th

Together we have been able to raise over $102k towards our Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras.

We began raising funds for a desperately needed place for moms and expecting moms to rest just before and immediately after giving birth and are only weeks away from breaking ground. 

We just traveled to La Ceiba with a team of 13 at the end of October. We were able to publicly dedicate the land at the hospital for the Maternity Home. I am very excited about the project coming together and to be able to share this progress with you! As we were there praying over the land and the project, we received the approval for construction. This is a huge step forward as we have been waiting most of the summer for this process to be approved. 

We are headed into the Rainy season for Honduras, which may delay some of the work, but we were expecting a slowdown for winter and we know the timing is perfect and being worked out on our behalf.

Thank you for all of your prayer and your support! 

If you would like to make a donation towards the project before the year ends please click here

Our local contractor/architect, Eduardo Oviedo Jr.  has done a fantastic job getting the plans ready and we are excited to be getting closer to ground breaking. 
Travis Moffitt Center facing, describing the Maternity Home Project for local media in La Ceiba, Honduras October, 2017 - Photo Javier Mendoza

Travis Moffitt Center facing, describing the Maternity Home Project for local media in La Ceiba, Honduras October, 2017 - Photo Javier Mendoza

Connect Global Team Including Jorge Amador, Travis Moffitt, and Javier Mendoza with Architect and Contractor, Eduardo Oviedo Jr, Far Left, and his brother Raul Oviedo, Far Right. 

Connect Global Team Including Jorge Amador, Travis Moffitt, and Javier Mendoza with Architect and Contractor, Eduardo Oviedo Jr, Far Left, and his brother Raul Oviedo, Far Right. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2017. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Thank You for Your Support


Maternity Home Project Update September 2017

Maternity Home Project Update September 2017

The Connect Global Team is very excited about the progress of the Maternity Home fundraising as well as the building and construction efforts.  Updated: September 13th

Together we have been able to raise over $100k towards our Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras.

We began raising funds for a desperately needed place for moms and expecting moms to rest just before and immediately after giving birth and are only weeks away from breaking ground. 

On our last trip to La Ceiba, we had the opportunity to finalize plans and attain final drawings and renderings of the Maternity Home. Our legal team has been hard at work creating the documents needed to get the project underway.

Our local contractor/architect, Eduardo Oviedo Jr.  has done a fantastic job getting the plans ready and we are excited to be getting closer to ground breaking which will be held the week of October 30th, 2017! 
Travis Moffitt Center facing, describing the Maternity Home Project for Facebook Live

Travis Moffitt Center facing, describing the Maternity Home Project for Facebook Live

Connect Global Team Including Jorge Amador, Travis Moffitt, and Javier Mendoza with Architect and Contractor, Eduardo Oviedo Jr, Far Left, and his brother Raul Oviedo, Far Right. 

Connect Global Team Including Jorge Amador, Travis Moffitt, and Javier Mendoza with Architect and Contractor, Eduardo Oviedo Jr, Far Left, and his brother Raul Oviedo, Far Right. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2017. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Thank You for Your Support


Gracias por tu Apoyo

Gracias por tu Apoyo

Más de 90 familias de la comunidad de El Tamarindo, Nacaome, Valle se benefician con proyecto de agua, que tiene como objetivo principal impactar directamente en las condiciones de saneamiento básico, higiene personal y seguridad alimentaria de estas familias.

Water Well Project in Honduras

El proyecto se llevó a cabo gracias al establecimiento de alianzas locales entre Fundación Agrolíbano, Connect Global, Maquinarias del Pacífico, los pobladores de El Tamarindo y el equipo de voluntariado ”Corazón de Melón” de Agrolíbano, quienes lideraron la ejecución del proyecto, que consistió en la perforación de un pozo e instalación de una bomba eléctrica para extracción de agua, bombeando 8 galones por minuto a un tanque de almacenamiento con capacidad de 10,000 mil litros y abasteciendo de forma gravitacional el sistema existente.

Con esta mejora al sistema, incrementa su capacidad en 480 galones por hora, con lo que se mejora el acceso de agua a muchas familias de la comunidad que carecían del servicio o les resultaba insuficiente.

Asimismo, el proceso es acompañado con el empoderamiento comunitario, en torno a la gestión del recurso agua desde una perspectiva administrativa, hidrosanitaria y ambiental para garantizar la sostenibilidad del mismo. La inversión total en esta mejora asciende a L 586,869.40, de los cuales Connect Global ha aportado el 37%, Maquinarias del Pacifico el 31%, la comunidad aportó el 16%, la Fundación Agrolíbano el 11% y el 5% por parte de Agropecuaria Montelíbano.

Jorge Amador National Director in Honduras

Jorge Amador National Director in Honduras

Jorge Amador, our friend, and partner for the past 13 years has become the National Director for Honduras with Connect Global, please join us in welcoming him to the team. 

Jorge Amador, National Director for Honduras

Our team met Jorge over 13 years ago in the airport in San Pedro Sula. Travis, Gina and I all attended our first mission trip together which was organized and led by Morning Star Church of Tampa Florida. We landed on a small runway at a small airport just outside the city. We did not know anyone, as this was our very first trip to Honduras. 

We only knew to look for a Honduran named Jorge. 

Jorge quickly found us and took care of everything. He helped us navigate the hectic airport. He helped us load all of our belongings, we overpacked much more heavily back then, but above all else he greeted us as if he had known us our whole lives. 

Jorge has never been overly formal, in fact, he has always had a very comfortable, and easy going demeanor with us, as if we were brothers with different mothers, but still having the same Father. He is one of our Heroes of the Faith

On our first trip, we experienced the Honduras country-side for well over 8 hours in an old yellow dog American made school bus. 

Jorge Amador National Director for Honduras

Our team and all of our supplies fit snugly, but efficiently. Barreling down the roads of Honduras towards a small town called Cusuna, we felt every curve, and bump while getting a first-hand description of everything having to do with this new place we would be serving for the last 13. 

Jorge has always been ready to serve in any capacity needed. His wisdom, charisma, and compassion make him an immediate friend to everyone he encounters. His loyalty make him a friend you want to keep.. 

We, here at Connect Global, have decided to bring Jorge on as National Director for Honduras.

Jorge is a valuable asset to our leadership in Honduras and has greatly augmented our efforts. He has supervised several projects such as our recently completed water well in El Tamarindo, and will be our first point of contact in our upcoming Maternity Home Project in La Ceiba .

Thank You, Jorge, for all of your hard work. 

Jorge Amador, National Director in Honduras for Connect Global, with his youngest daughter Alison in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Jorge Amador, National Director in Honduras for Connect Global, with his youngest daughter Alison in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Connect Global National Director in Honduras Jorge Amador always has a plan and a solution for anything that comes up.

Connect Global National Director in Honduras Jorge Amador always has a plan and a solution for anything that comes up.


Maternity Home Project Update

Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2017. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Welcome to the Team, Jorge! 


Hero of the Faith - Jorge Amador

Hero of the Faith - Jorge Amador

Jorge Amador, our friend, and partner for the past 13 years has become the National Director for Honduras with Connect Global, please join us in welcoming him to the team


Jorge hosts teams of missionaries from the US into Honduras and takes them to Cusuna, La Ceiba, San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa and all points in between.  He leaves his family for up to two weeks at a time to make the seven-hour drive by bus.  He does this up to a dozen times a year.  This type of work makes it very difficult for him to find a regular job for income between these trips. 

He has suffered several terrible life tragedies and yet he continues to serve.  Even when he himself is in need of several basic items, on every call he speaks to me of someone else who is in need.  He wants us to buy food for her.  I want to buy food for him.  

I’ve known Jorge since 2004 and I’ve never seen him put himself before others.  I’ve yet to hear him request aid for himself at the expense of others.  He truly has the heart of a servant. 

Part of our trip next week will include blessing Jorge.  I’m sure we will visit the lady he has spoken to us about.  I’m sure we will bless him by buying her some food.  I also know we will financially, emotionally, and spiritually bless Jorge.  After all, he is my friend and a true Hero of the Faith. 

This year, (2017), we have brought Jorge on to our team at Connect Global as our National Director in Honduras. He is an amazing servant, always thinking of someone else and ready to serve at a moments notice. He has been a great asset to our organizationa dna great friend to each of us personlly.

Thank you and may God bless you as well as our new National Director in Honduras, Jorge Amador.   

Jorge Amador, National Director in Honduras for Connect Global, 

Jorge Amador, National Director in Honduras for Connect Global, 

Connect Global National Director in Honduras Jorge Amador with Pastor Milton Valle of Puerta del Cielo in La Ceiba, Honduras. 

Connect Global National Director in Honduras Jorge Amador with Pastor Milton Valle of Puerta del Cielo in La Ceiba, Honduras. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2017. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Welcome to the Team, Jorge! 


Maternity Home Project Update June 2017

Maternity Home Project Update June 2017

The Connect Global Team traveled to Honduras once again, in June of 2017. This trip had a couple of focus points, one of which is the Maternity Home we have been fundrasing for. 

A primary focus of all Connect Global trips currently is the Maternity Home Project in La Ceiba.

We began raising funds for a desperately needed place for moms and expecting moms to rest just before and immediately after giving birth. 

In March we told you about a special Matching Donation that was offered to us of $40,000 towards this project! We are happy to report that we are currently (June 30, 2017) at $86,107.

On our last trip to La Ceiba, we had the opportunity to share the great news of the fundraising goals met with the Hospital Administrator, Dr. Amador, and her staff.

We also had the opportunity to share with our friend and local contractor/architect, Eduardo Oviedo Jr.   

Travis Moffitt Center facing, describing the Maternity Home Project for Facebook Live

Travis Moffitt Center facing, describing the Maternity Home Project for Facebook Live

Connect Global Team Including Jorge Amador, Travis Moffitt, and Javier Mendoza with Architect and Contractor, Eduardo Oviedo Jr, Far Left, and his brother Raul Oviedo, Far Right. 

Connect Global Team Including Jorge Amador, Travis Moffitt, and Javier Mendoza with Architect and Contractor, Eduardo Oviedo Jr, Far Left, and his brother Raul Oviedo, Far Right. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2017. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Thank You for Your Support


National Ministry Leaders Summit 2017 Update

National Ministry Leaders Summit 2017 Update

The Connect Global Team traveled to Honduras once again, in June of 2017. This trip had a couple of focus points, one of which is to focus on training and encouraging church leaders to fulfill the great commission in Honduras and around the world. 

A primary focus of all Connect Global trips currently is the ongoing training and support of Honduran church leaders in La Ceiba.

Our team included several great speakers and leaders, including Dr. Johnny Moffitt and His wife and ministry partner, Betty Moffitt, Dr. Mitch Arbeláez, Pastor David Humphries, Michael Scudiero, as well as the Connect Global leadership, Travis Moffitt, Javier Mendoza, and Jorge Amador.  

The two primary speaking tracks were on Prison Ministry and Global Missions.

We have been supporting La Ceiba through teaching and training for the last several years through our Connect Community Initiative and intend to continue encouraging the communities of Honduras to empower their citizens to be a part of the sharing of the great commission around the world. 

Travis Moffitt speaking, describing the Maternity Home Project for the leaders of La Ceiba during the National Ministry Leaders Summit - La Ceiba. 

Travis Moffitt speaking, describing the Maternity Home Project for the leaders of La Ceiba during the National Ministry Leaders Summit - La Ceiba. 

Betty Moffitt with a couple from La ceiba after the night service. 

Betty Moffitt with a couple from La ceiba after the night service. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2017. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Thank You for Your Support


Meeting with Leaders of Pastor's Association in La Ceiba

Meeting with Leaders of Pastor's Association in La Ceiba

The Connect Global Team traveled to Honduras once again, in June of 2017. This trip had a couple of focus points, one of which was to connect with the leadership in the community of La Ceiba, Honduras. 

One focus for Connect Global in La Ceiba Honduras has been to deepen the relationships we have with the leadership in the community.

Part of this means to reach out to the Pastor's Association in La Ceiba. In June we sat down with the President and Vice President of the Association to discuss what plans we could partner on to reach out together and serve the city we all have been investing in over the years. 

The meeting was a great time and we made a deep level connection and reached a new understanding of the vision for La Ceiba. 

Travis Moffitt sharing his heart, and vision with leaders of the Pastor's Association of La Ceiba. In attendance: Edgardo Lianes - Pastor of The Church of the Nations, Ricardo Jimenez - President of the Pastor's Association, & Francisco Arr…

Travis Moffitt sharing his heart, and vision with leaders of the Pastor's Association of La Ceiba. In attendance: Edgardo Lianes - Pastor of The Church of the Nations, Ricardo Jimenez - President of the Pastor's Association, & Francisco Arrandas - Vice President of the Pastor's Association and Pastor of Kairos Church, along with Pastor Allan Lorenzana of CCI Church La Ceiba, Dr Mitch Arbelaez of Go To Nations, and Dr Johnny and Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2017. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.

