Connect Global is inviting you to participate in a fast.
Our team would like to invite you to a fast with us. We are using this time to lean into what God is doing around the world. This fast will include abstaining from food, devoting special time to reading the Bible, and putting more emphasis on prayer for the next 21 days as a group.
Please watch the video below and refer to the Q&A section we’ve included below and then decide whether you are able and would like to join us.
What is a Fast?
Fasting is the willful refraining from eating, drinking, acts, deeds, or all or the previous for a given period of time.
Why do we Fast?
Christians fast for many reasons. To express longing and need for God in our life. To show a hunger for scripture and its effect in our lives. To realize that our true sustenance comes not only from food alone but also from our relationship to our creator.
How Long is this Fast?
We are choosing the time frame of 21 days starting on Monday May 11th, 2020 which leads us right up to the day of Pentecost, which is May 31st. The Christian holy day of Pentecost, which is celebrated fifty days after Easter Sunday, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31).
Join Connect Global on a 21-day fast and devotion starting May 11 2020
“Fasting is a way of saying with our stomach and our whole body how much we need and want and trust Jesus. It is a way of saying that we are not going to be enslaved by food as the source of our satisfaction. We will use the renunciation of food from time to time to express that Jesus is better than food. Jesus is more needful than food.”
Daily Devotions with Connect Global
*Please consult your physician before starting any level of fast and please take into account your current physical health and diet requirements before making any fasting commitments.
Connect Global is inviting you to join us in a 21-day fast leading up to Pentecost Sunday.
During this fast, Connect Global will be devoting special time each day to prayer and reading the Bible together.
Simple and easy ways to support teachers and their classrooms is by donating school supplies through Connect Global