Meeting with Leaders of Pastor's Association in La Ceiba — Connect Global

The Connect Global Team traveled to Honduras once again, in June of 2017. This trip had a couple of focus points, one of which was to connect with the leadership in the community of La Ceiba, Honduras. 

One focus for Connect Global in La Ceiba Honduras has been to deepen the relationships we have with the leadership in the community.

Part of this means to reach out to the Pastor's Association in La Ceiba. In June we sat down with the President and Vice President of the Association to discuss what plans we could partner on to reach out together and serve the city we all have been investing in over the years. 

The meeting was a great time and we made a deep level connection and reached a new understanding of the vision for La Ceiba. 

Travis Moffitt sharing his heart, and vision with leaders of the Pastor's Association of La Ceiba. In attendance: Edgardo Lianes - Pastor of The Church of the Nations, Ricardo Jimenez - President of the Pastor's Association, & Francisco Arr…

Travis Moffitt sharing his heart, and vision with leaders of the Pastor's Association of La Ceiba. In attendance: Edgardo Lianes - Pastor of The Church of the Nations, Ricardo Jimenez - President of the Pastor's Association, & Francisco Arrandas - Vice President of the Pastor's Association and Pastor of Kairos Church, along with Pastor Allan Lorenzana of CCI Church La Ceiba, Dr Mitch Arbelaez of Go To Nations, and Dr Johnny and Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2017. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.



