National Ministry Leaders Summit 2017 Update — Connect Global

The Connect Global Team traveled to Honduras once again, in June of 2017. This trip had a couple of focus points, one of which is to focus on training and encouraging church leaders to fulfill the great commission in Honduras and around the world. 

A primary focus of all Connect Global trips currently is the ongoing training and support of Honduran church leaders in La Ceiba.

Our team included several great speakers and leaders, including Dr. Johnny Moffitt and His wife and ministry partner, Betty Moffitt, Dr. Mitch Arbeláez, Pastor David Humphries, Michael Scudiero, as well as the Connect Global leadership, Travis Moffitt, Javier Mendoza, and Jorge Amador.  

The two primary speaking tracks were on Prison Ministry and Global Missions.

We have been supporting La Ceiba through teaching and training for the last several years through our Connect Community Initiative and intend to continue encouraging the communities of Honduras to empower their citizens to be a part of the sharing of the great commission around the world. 

Travis Moffitt speaking, describing the Maternity Home Project for the leaders of La Ceiba during the National Ministry Leaders Summit - La Ceiba. 

Travis Moffitt speaking, describing the Maternity Home Project for the leaders of La Ceiba during the National Ministry Leaders Summit - La Ceiba. 

Betty Moffitt with a couple from La ceiba after the night service. 

Betty Moffitt with a couple from La ceiba after the night service. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2017. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Thank You for Your Support


