Connect Global is taking time to honor and celebrate moms this month. We asked our moms (and several other moms we know) a few Questions to get a conversation started about what is important in life and what moms want to see in the world for themselves, and most importantly for their children. Hope you enjoy and please take a minute to ask your mom questions like these from time to time, you may be delightfully surprised by what you learn your mom!
Gina Moffitt
Gina is the mom of one son, Noah, and is married to Travis Moffitt.
1. Describe a time in your life you really needed someone and they came through for you?
There have been many times God has used my family, friends and even acquaintances to reach out to me when needed. Whether I needed someone to talk to, or needed encouragement in some way, or provided some financial help when needed. Sometimes in small or big ways, I am grateful for each one
2. Who is a woman in your life that has been especially influential in your life?
I would say my mom! She has taught me to be brave and confident and pursue God
3. What books by female authors have you read, and what books did you find impactful?
Captivating, Lioness Arising, For the Love
Too many to list! 😜
4. Where do you draw encouragement from?
I draw encouragement from time alone with God, time with family, music, reading, art, being outside in nature.
5. What project, hobby, or mission are you especially excited about or involved in right now?
I enjoy the missions work we do! To see God touch lives in a meaningful way. And I have really enjoyed homeschooling our son! ( learning, exploring and discovering together is awesome. Excited to be there as he gave his heart to God during one of our school days!
6. What does the world need more of right now?
Love, kindness, respect, honesty and care, prayer and protection for each other and our children. For more Christians to be bold in sharing God’s love and His word.
7. What do you want most for your children?
I want for my son to have a passionate love for God, An understanding and knowing of God’s love for him and others. A strong bold faith and confidence to pursue the call God has for him. A peace and strength and thankful heart that will guide him and sustain him. A joy that will always give relief. That he will walk in the fruits of the spirit and they will encourage him and he can use them to be a blessing to others.
8. Name something you bought for yourself that you love.
A Hammock! Nice little get away in our backyard!😜
9. Name 2 things you absolutely love that money couldn’t buy and why they mean so much to you.
Money can’t buy me love! The love I have for my God and family! And the love they have for me! Unconditional love is a priceless gift. ❤️
Tell Us something Special about your Mom
What is something you have been given by your mother that money could never buy? What did your mom teach you about life that you still live by today?
Share your experiences by commenting below or by emailing us at
We would love to hear your story!
The Connect Global Team is partnering with the Local Hospital and Churches in La Ceiba, Honduras to provide care and minsitry to new moms.
Find Out More: Connect Global Maternity Home Project
“When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.”
– Sophia Loren.
Help Connect Global complete this new home for Maria.
Help Connect Global complete this new home for Maria.
There are many community driven opportunities to make a difference in La Ceiba, Honduras. Together we can change lives. Thank You for your support of Connect Global's Partners & Projects.
The Maternity Home ministry provides Connect Global access to serve both moms and newborns with great care and dignity while sharing the good news of Jesus with our employees, hospital staff and each new mom that we meet.