Connected Community Update — Connect Global

So happy to share this report from Honduras.  

Our team just returned from La Ceiba Honduras a couple of weeks ago. One of our purposes was to continue adding value to the community through a 3 day Mission Conference. The conference was fantastic and there was a lot of momentum built.  

In addition to the conference, we also had the opportunity to engage in a couple of other community outreaches.  

One was to the Comedor de JesuCristo and the other was to the Little Lambs Refuge Girls Home in a town called La Masica.  

Connect Global has come to really love the mission and vision of Little Lambs Refuge.  

It was founded by a couple originally from Puerto Rico. 

On our recent visit we were driven by our good friend Juana Bustamente. She is a great friend, host, chauffeur and she has an amazing heart as well. 

I could tell that our visit to the girls home was special for Juana. She lives only about an hour from this home but this was her first visit.  


The girls are happy and taken care of but the house has needs.  

When we stopped in we found out that the original founders, David and Dialys are in the US currently because she has been ill and is receiving treatment. 

The home is left in the capable hands of a couple who are doing an absolutely great job.   


We also found out that their food & transportation budget are both very tight. They had hardly any food in their pantry when we visited and Alison described it being very difficult to make sure they have enough diesel to get the girls to and from school.  


Thanks to our partners like you, and our team members with us on the trip,  Connect Global helped meet their immediate needs for the month, and we are making plans to continue to support them in the future as well. 

Since we left, Juana shared this story with her husband who happens to be one of the highest ranking police officials in the state. We met them last year and Connect Global has partnered with the Police Department in La Ceiba several times. 

Just a couple of days ago Juana wrote to tell us how happy she was because the Police Department, which has recently increased their community service involvement, went for a visit to bring gifts and food to the girls at the home.  


Juana gave us compliments for introducing her to the Lambs Refuge girls home. She was very happy that because of our introduction, the police department was able to make a connection there as well. 

This is exactly what we had in mind when we began focusing our intentions and investments in La Ceiba. Connected Community is a way for everyone in the city to look after those in need. This is a progression of serving. No one person or group relies solely on the help from an outside source, rather, each member of the community shares the responsibility and care with each other.


The decision to go a mile deep rather than spread ourselves out in our relationships was made with this very outcome in mind. Blessings have been given to us, we in turn gave to The Police Department and now they are giving to the Little Lambs Refuge, and so on and so forth.


We are committed to La Ceiba, the Police Department, The Lambs Refuge Girls Home, The Comedor de JesuCristo, CCI Church and many other strategic partners in Honduras.

Connected Community is gaining momentum and we want you to be a part of the success.

We would like to invite you to become financial partners as well as travel partners to help us continue investing in this community.

You can click here to make a donation.

If you want more info on our travel schedule please click here.

You can also Contact Us for more information, 

Thank You

