“I have the privilege of walking through life with truly incredible women.
In my own neighborhood and across the world one thing that has always stood out to me is that women are at the core of everything.
We are strong, we are courageous, we are loving, we are generous, we are forgiving and we have grit.
Happy International Women’s Day !”
International Women’s Day
Today and Everyday we choose to celebrate the women in our lives and those around the world. From our Work at the Maternity Home to Aquaponics and our new venture into Primary and Secondary education at Las Huellas Del Maestro strong women are part of the ongoing success of our initiatives.
Today is not only a celebration of women’s achievements but also a day to remember that there is still much work to do to elevate, promote, and honor women for their contributions across all disciplines and in every sector of life around the world.
Connect Global is committed to doing our part to educate, and elevate women to the fullest degree not only in word but in our actions.
The Maternity Home ministry provides Connect Global access to serve both moms and newborns with great care and dignity while sharing the good news of Jesus with our employees, hospital staff and each new mom that we meet.