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Connect Global School Sponsorships

Connect Global School Sponsorships

The Connect Global Team is very excited about what this Student Sponsorship has to offer. Our friends and partners have done an excellent job jumping in and sponsoring students in La Ceiba, Honduras. We invite you to join us and share your love and support for these students who are still in need of sponsorship! You will be glad you did!

Updated: April 4, New Names have been added and these super smart students are in need of sponsorship! 

Students in need of Sponsorship

Below is a Printable poster for each student. Please feel free to download, and print or save for your convenience 

Thank you for all of your prayer and your support! 


Are you already Sponsoring a Student in Honduras? Perhaps you would like to share your experiences with our team. Add your comment below and let us know how this opportunity has impacted you and your family! 
Join Connect Global in Honduras for our next trip to see the students we sponsor in La Ceiba. 

Join Connect Global in Honduras for our next trip to see the students we sponsor in La Ceiba. 

The Connect Global Team is sponsoring students at two schools in La Ceiba, Honduras. New Life School & Heaven's Door School. 

The Connect Global Team is sponsoring students at two schools in La Ceiba, Honduras. New Life School & Heaven's Door School. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2018. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Thank You for Your Support


Connect Global Co Founder Danielle Mendoza

Connect Global Co Founder Danielle Mendoza

I first fell in love with missions when I went on my first trip to Mexico with my (christian) school. We slept on a concrete floor, ate new foods, and most importantly served in the elementary school. It was evident that decent meals and full bellies were scarce but joy and happiness were not.
Danielle Mendoza | Our Leadership — Connect Global

Gracias por tu Apoyo

Gracias por tu Apoyo

Más de 90 familias de la comunidad de El Tamarindo, Nacaome, Valle se benefician con proyecto de agua, que tiene como objetivo principal impactar directamente en las condiciones de saneamiento básico, higiene personal y seguridad alimentaria de estas familias.

Water Well Project in Honduras

El proyecto se llevó a cabo gracias al establecimiento de alianzas locales entre Fundación Agrolíbano, Connect Global, Maquinarias del Pacífico, los pobladores de El Tamarindo y el equipo de voluntariado ”Corazón de Melón” de Agrolíbano, quienes lideraron la ejecución del proyecto, que consistió en la perforación de un pozo e instalación de una bomba eléctrica para extracción de agua, bombeando 8 galones por minuto a un tanque de almacenamiento con capacidad de 10,000 mil litros y abasteciendo de forma gravitacional el sistema existente.

Con esta mejora al sistema, incrementa su capacidad en 480 galones por hora, con lo que se mejora el acceso de agua a muchas familias de la comunidad que carecían del servicio o les resultaba insuficiente.

Asimismo, el proceso es acompañado con el empoderamiento comunitario, en torno a la gestión del recurso agua desde una perspectiva administrativa, hidrosanitaria y ambiental para garantizar la sostenibilidad del mismo. La inversión total en esta mejora asciende a L 586,869.40, de los cuales Connect Global ha aportado el 37%, Maquinarias del Pacifico el 31%, la comunidad aportó el 16%, la Fundación Agrolíbano el 11% y el 5% por parte de Agropecuaria Montelíbano.

New Life School

New Life School

We are extremely proud to be a part of sponsoring a school in La Ceiba, Honduras called New Life School

This sponsorship helps keep kids in school, well fed, in clean uniforms and with supplies to get their work done. New Life School is a Christian School that was founded by a local church and their Pastor's. 

Along with a generous partner, we put the framework together for this school sponsorship and our hope here at Connect Global is to use it as a guide/template to sponsor other schools in Honduras. 

Connect Global is looking for new sponsors and we need your help!

If you would like to help Connect Global make a positive impact in Honduras, please Contact Us

Connect Global Maternity Home

Connect Global Maternity Home

Every day we [Connect Global] are a step closer to building the Maternity Home that is so needed in La Ceiba, Honduras.

I am grateful we have a team in Honduras the next several weeks with Travis N Gina Moffitt while Javier Mendoza and I share the details of the project stateside with all of you.

We need your help!

Contact me for more details. 

-Danielle Mendoza

World Race Team is Doing a Great Job in La Ceiba

World Race Team is Doing a Great Job in La Ceiba

The World Race Team has been such a huge blessing to our efforts in La Ceiba Honduras now for the second year in a row. There are still a few weeks left, but they have already made an indelible impact in the lives in Honduras. Below is a comment from Travis Moffitt and a few more pictures from the team. 


We are so honored to serve alongside these great missionaries from the #WorldRace here at the Comedor de Jesucristo in La Ceiba, 

They have each given so much of themselves.

-Travis & Gina Moffitt 


Prayer is Powerful

Prayer is Powerful

Below is a Post written by one of the World Race team members Connect Global is hosting in La Ceiba. We are always looking forward to sharing experiences like this with our team members and being able to know that lives are being changed. 


Before I came on the race I could count on one hand how many times I prayed aloud. Now, I crave it. I made it a mission of mine since month one to get over my fear. I thought my prayers didn't matter. I didn't think I was saying the right thing or my words weren't eloquent enough. I've come to realize it doesn't matter what words I say.

My prayer is just as powerful as the pastors in the room. I find joy in praying for someone who needs it. Especially a precious baby who has their whole life ahead of them. Since being in Honduras we have prayed over many people and each time I stepped up and laid hands on as many people as I could.

The other day I found myself starting to smile while praying. I knew the Lord was hearing every word. I knew how much He loved me and all those around me. I pray and have confidence in the fact that He is going to take care of these people i'm praying for. In whatever way that may look.



Senda Global

Senda Global

Senda Global

Un Acercamiento Total a las Misiones

Senda Global es una guía pastoral para avivar el compromiso de su iglesia con la Gran Comisión. Está diseñada para ayudar a los pastores a eliminar la incertidumbre de las misiones y ayudar a sus iglesias a lanzar programas misioneros sólidos, o ampliar el potencial para las ya existentes.

Enfoque Principal de Senda Global

  1. Dios llama a cada cristiano a apropiarse personalmente de la Gran Comisión.
  2. La iglesia local es el instrumento principal de Dios par a alcanzar el mundo para Cristo, y debe ser movilizada para este propósito.
  3. La iglesia local es el semillero de misioneros, y es la fuerza propulsora que los envía

Beneficios de Senda Global:

  1. Provee a la iglesia el entendimiento necesario para a cercarse a las misiones.
  2. Unifica a la iglesia con la visión misionera del pastor.
  3. Permite que cada miembro de la iglesia conteste a su lla mado personal a la Gran Comisión.
  4. Crea un simple, pero efectivo, plan que asegura un gran impacto ministerial.

Resultados de Senda Global:

  1. Principios: Los programas misioneros de la iglesia están basados en los principios Bíblicos.
  2. Procesos: Niveles y sistemas establecidos para ayudar a que la iglesia local se propague mundialmente, como un cuerpo unificado.
  3. Herramientas: Los componentes necesarios para que la iglesia local sea efectiva en el área misionera.
  4. Potencial: La iglesia local poseerá la habilidad de utilizar su potencial inexplorado, como congregación en la cosecha mundial.

El Plan Especial de Senda Global Está Diseñado Para:

  1. Bendecir a la iglesia local, espiritual, numérica y económicamente.
  2. Trabajar en iglesias de cualquier tamaño.
  3. Ayudar a iglesias con programas misioneros existentes.
  4. Adaptarse a cualquier estructura o gobierno de la iglesia.
  5. No cargar al pastor con más trabajo.

El Dr. Mitch Arbeláez se unirá a Connect Global este mes de Junio para dirigir una enseñanza de la Senda Global, en la Iglesia CCI en La Ceiba, Honduras.

World Race Update

World Race Update

Our World Race Team arrived in La Ceiba Last week and we could not be happier with this group!  

Thank You to Travis, Gina, and Noah for making the World Race Team feel at Home in La Ceiba. We are looking forward to getting the team fully immersed, for the next 4 weeks, in the Projects Connect Global has been working on! 

One of the places this World Race Team will visit is the Regional Hospital where we have plans to build a new Maternity Home for new and expectant Mothers. 

Please stay tuned for more updates from these fun and selfless young missionaries and updates on the projects they are helping us advance this month.