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Alissa Janine

Alissa Janine

Alissa Janine Amador Rodriguez born December 3, at 12:25am weighing 8.4lbs.

Alissa Janine Amador Rodriguez born December 3, at 12:25am weighing 8.4lbs.


Join us in celebrating with our National Director Jorge Amador his wife Janeth and their daughter, Allison in welcoming their newest addition, Alissa Janine.

Connect Global has been blessed to have this family in our lives. They are a huge blessing to us and to all who meet them.

We are so excited and can’t wait to meet Alissa Janine in person!


We are asking close friends and family to make a contribution in honor of Alissa for the family.

If you have ever been blessed by this family please click the button below and give generously!

You can use the button below to make a donation directly to Connect Global on behalf of the Amador-Rodriguez Family

The highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them

The highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
— John F. Kennedy

Give thanks to the Lord.

Give thanks to the Lord.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV

7 Things Remarkably Happy People Do Often |

7 Things Remarkably Happy People Do Often |

Actively express thankfulness.


According to one study, couples that expressed gratitude in their interactions with each other resulted in increases in relationship connection and satisfaction the next day--both for the person expressing thankfulness and (no big surprise) for the person receiving it. (In fact, the authors of the study said gratitude was like a "booster shot" for relationships.)

Of course the same is true at work. Express gratitude for employee's hard work and you both feel better about yourselves.

Another easy method is to write down a few things you are grateful for every night. One study showed people who wrote down 5 things they were thankful for once a week were 25 percent happier after ten weeks; in effect they dramatically increased their happiness set-point.

Happy people focus on what they have, not on what they don't have. It's motivating to want more in your career, relationships, bank account, etc. but thinking about what you already have, and expressing gratitude for it, will make you a lot happier.

And will remind you that even if you still have huge dreams you have already accomplished a lot--and should feel genuinely proud.

Read All 7 Here 

Giving the Gift of Vision

Giving the Gift of Vision

Connect Global was able to give glasses to and improve vision for seniors in need.

There are many ways that Connect Global has chosen to help and raise up the communities in Honduras. We have many large projects, but you may be surprised to find out that along the way we also find other ways to make a difference as well.

One of the ways we recently supported the communities in Honduras was by bringing new eye glasses to a senior home. These glasses were donated to Connect Global, and we knew that we had the perfect recipients. We have been visiting this special home over the past year and providing many different valuable gifts to this amazing group.

Kids are back to class in La Ceiba, Honduras

Kids are back to class in La Ceiba, Honduras

In addition to these glasses we have also provided a fully functional aquaponic food system. This is a supplement to the homes already functioning chicken coops and in ground gardens. This is a way for the home to provide some extra proteins and fresh veggies to an already vulnerable group of people and help ensure a nutritious diet.

A quality of life improvement is easier to achieve than you may think.

We are grateful for you and for all the supporters we have been so fortunate to have been backed by over the years. We are always on the look out for more ways to support and help these communities and will always share with you the success of those outreaches and how you can plug in to. If you are able to give a donation whether it is financial or something like glasses, electronics, or medial supplies please click the donation button below or send us an email. Thank You

Connect Global is always looking for new ways to improve the lives of those around us.

Connect Global is always looking for new ways to improve the lives of those around us.

Individuals receive new glasses donated to Connect Global in Honduras.

Individuals receive new glasses donated to Connect Global in Honduras.

The Importance of a Concrete Floor

The Importance of a Concrete Floor

We believe in providing sustainable and tangible solutions to solvable problems that people face.

Dirt floors are very common in many parts of the world. In Honduras, many homes have very basic walls and a roof, but many of the homes are lacking a very basic, important element— a concrete floor. 

Why are concrete floors so important?

The Connect Global team works hard but we have fun too.

The Connect Global team works hard but we have fun too.

A 2007 World Bank study of a Mexican government program to replace dirt floors with cement found that doing so "significantly improves the health of young children."

Among the study's findings: "A complete substitution of dirt floors by cement floors in a house leads to a 78 percent reduction in parasitic infestations, a 49 percent reduction in diarrhea, an 81 percent reduction in anemia and a 36 to 96 percent improvement in cognitive development."

Beyond this, adults reported "increased satisfaction with ... their quality of life."

Source: When A Home Poses Health Risks, The Floor May Be The Culprit

Our Connect Global team was able to pour 3 new floors for families in need as well as leave the funds to pour 2 more.  

The main focus of the Connect Global Honduras trip in August 2018 was to complete a water well project. We were also able to complete 3 NEW concrete floors while we were in town. Concrete floors are a huge need and they make an immediate impact. These floors improve the quality of life and may even save lives. These families have plenty to overcome and enough challenges to face that we believe a safe, sanitary floor should not be something they have to worry about. 

If you would like to help us sponsor more concrete floors in Honduras, we invite you to make a tax-deductible donation towards our upcoming trips and projects.

You can help a family in need get a clean, and safe new floor this year! 

Connect Global team members were able to bless several families with a freshly poured concrete floor.

Connect Global team members were able to bless several families with a freshly poured concrete floor.

Part of the Connect Global August team focus was to pour brand new concrete floors for families in need.

Part of the Connect Global August team focus was to pour brand new concrete floors for families in need.

Connect Global Water Well Project - Completed August 2018

Connect Global Water Well Project - Completed August 2018

In 2016 Connect Global partnered with the Community Water District in El Tamarindo to support a plan to give water to the residents of this remote and very water insecure town. In August of 2018, Connect Global helped complete the final phase of this current plan to bring water to 2 communities near the original well that was dug. Thank You for your support. 

As you may remember, we began raising funds to assist a community in Honduras to drill a new water well in their town around December of 2016. 

We are proud to report that we have helped complete the next phase of this water project in this remote area of Honduras. 

Our team was able to install a new tank, plumbing, and electric pump to help satisfy the needs of the community and increase their water per household tenfold. 

The team from House of Grace church in Georgia partnered with us financially as well as by sending a very hardworking team to see the completion of this project.

Thank You to all who financially and spiritually invested in the long-term benefits of clean and healthy drinking water for this community of Estiquirin, Honduras. We are grateful! 

In addition to clean water, our team was able to help a local school get a kick-start to the new school year, and we also poured several new Concrete floors which will help several families by keeping the elements out of their homes.


First Responder Training in Honduras was a Success

First Responder Training in Honduras was a Success

In 2015, Connect Global launched an initiative in Honduras we call Connected Community. As a part of our ongoing support and investment into the Community of La Ceiba, Honduras our team will be providing training for the members of the local police department. The department leadership has asked for a specialized training for first responders to be able to learn life-saving techniques in order to mitigate the loss of life in the field. 

Water Well Project - Update 2018

Water Well Project - Update 2018

We are very excited to share with you a fantastic update from Honduras. 

As you may remember, we began raising funds to assist a community in Honduras to drill a new water well in their town around December of 2016. 

Many people, organizations, and churches have given towards this effort, and over the Christmas Holiday, we received the amount needed to begin making this Water Well a reality.

One of our Partners in Honduras, Jorge Amador, has been helping us coordinate with the community, hire local drilling professionals, as well as provide oversight to the project. 

The drilling was initiated on Monday, January 23, and we could not be happier to report that the well was completed. The partners in Honduras also contracted the drilling team to go to a nearby town and drill a second well. 

Over the last year, along with our Honduran partners, we developed a plan to help this second town, Estiquirin, get their well completed and water to every resident. 

In August 2018, Our Team along with a team from House of Grace church in Georgia will be there to see the completion of this project. This is a big project and will cost about $4,000. We have already received $1,000 towards the goal and invite you to invest in the long-term benefits of clean and healthy drinking water for this community of Estiquirin, Honduras. 

Please continue to pray with us as this project proceeds and we wait to see this Clean Water Project be completed!  

Together we will not only provide clean water to this town but also a restored faith in Jesus because of answered prayers. Thank You.  

Connect Global Water Well Project.png

National Ministry Leaders Summit

National Ministry Leaders Summit

CONNECT GLOBAL is investing in the local pastors and leaders of the church in La Ceiba. We believe that their destiny is to not only reach their communities but all communities around the world. We are bringing several teachers and pastors who will share their expertise with the local church leaders on our next trip, July 14-22.