In 2016 Connect Global partnered with the Community Water District in El Tamarindo to support a plan to give water to the residents of this remote and very water insecure town. In August of 2018, Connect Global helped complete the final phase of this current plan to bring water to 2 communities near the original well that was dug. Thank You for your support. 

As you may remember, we began raising funds to assist a community in Honduras to drill a new water well in their town around December of 2016. 

We are proud to report that we have helped complete the next phase of this water project in this remote area of Honduras. 

Our team was able to install a new tank, plumbing, and electric pump to help satisfy the needs of the community and increase their water per household tenfold. 

The team from House of Grace church in Georgia partnered with us financially as well as by sending a very hardworking team to see the completion of this project.

Thank You to all who financially and spiritually invested in the long-term benefits of clean and healthy drinking water for this community of Estiquirin, Honduras. We are grateful! 

In addition to clean water, our team was able to help a local school get a kick-start to the new school year, and we also poured several new Concrete floors which will help several families by keeping the elements out of their homes.
