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Climate Change Resilience | Oxfam International

Climate Change Resilience | Oxfam International

Author:  Bhawan Singh, University of Montréal, and Marc J. Cohen, Oxfam America


Haiti has long faced severe natural and human-created hazards due to its location in the Caribbean hurricane zone and to widespread deforestation. Hazards including storms, floods, and droughts have highly destructive impacts on buildings, land, water, livestock, and people in Haiti. The poorest Haitians, including low-income women, children, and elderly people, are especially vulnerable. What are the impacts of climate change, now and in the future?

The prospects for building Haiti’s resilience to climate change are now closely tied to post-earthquake reconstruction. As Haiti turns its attention to preparing for more disasters and rebuilds significant parts of its infrastructure, there is a real opportunity to integrate climate resilience into these efforts.

This report analyses Haiti’s adaptive capacity, adaptation options, and finance and governance issues. It concludes with recommendations related to resilience building and climate-change adaptation needs and opportunities.

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Climate Change Could Delay The Fight Against World Hunger For Decades: Report

Climate Change Could Delay The Fight Against World Hunger For Decades: Report


Coffee, almonds and apples are just a few foods whose continued production is under threat due to climate change. But the implications of a changing climate have a much broader impact on global food supply, according to a new report.

The new report, which Oxfam released Monday, warns that climate change threatens to delay the fight against world hunger for decades. The threat of climate change on food is much worse than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimated in their last report in 2007.

Oxfam, a global confederation of 17 organizations fighting poverty and hunger, analyzed whether the world is prepared to meet food demands in a changing climate. The report's release comes just ahead of the publication of the next portion of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Report, which will focus on climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.

"What Oxfam is discovering more and more in our work to address hunger and poverty globally is that climate change is one of the single biggest threats to winning the fight against hunger," Heather Coleman, Oxfam International's climate change policy manager, told The Huffington Post. "The reason for that is because of growing food insecurity."


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Attain Something Beautiful

Attain Something Beautiful


Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost. Helen Keller

Everything worth having is worth the effort to get it. Effort does not equal hardship. Effort can be fun and exciting and satisfying.

Don't let effort stop you from seeking beauty. It's well worth your time. 



The anti tourist travel rules via travel and leisure

The anti tourist travel rules via travel and leisure

Avoid the lines and go for total immersion: Travel + Leisure proposes the best ways to find the soul of a destination.
(via The Anti-Tourist Travel Rules - Articles | Travel Leisure)

Avoid the lines and go for total immersion: Travel + Leisure proposes the best ways to find the soul of a destination.

(via The Anti-Tourist Travel Rules - Articles | Travel Leisure)

Connect Global

Connect Global

Sustainable solutions such as Solar energy, Aquaponics, and Clean Water are making a huge impact around the world to improve very critical, but solvable problems. Connect Global is making sustainable projects available to those who need them most.

Rudy Giuliani - Mayor of New York - Quotes about Leadership and September 11 - via Esquire Magazine

Rudy Giuliani - Mayor of New York - Quotes about Leadership and September 11 - via Esquire Magazine

The most important lesson I’ve learned since 9/11 goes straight to the value of your beliefs. They get you through things you never thought you’d experience. If someone had described to me what could happen to the World Trade Center before September 2001, it would have been unimaginable. And from the moment it happened until months after, everything that happened was unimaginable. You can face that if you have strong relationships and strong beliefs.
— Rudy Giuliani

What is Aquaponics

What is Aquaponics

The term aquaponics is a portmanteau of the terms aquaculture and hydroponics.

Aquaponics (pronounced: /ˈækwəˈpɒnɨks/) is a sustainable food production system that combines a traditional aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as fish, crayfish or prawns in tanks) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment.
What is Aquaponics.jpg

In the aquaculture, effluents accumulate in the water, increasing toxicity for the fish. This water is led to a hydroponic system where the by-products from the aquaculture are filtered out by the plants as vital nutrients, after which the cleansed water is recirculated back to the animals.

Currently, Connect Global is investing in and cooperatively working on Aquaponic food production systems with our Honduran National Director, Jorge Amador for a girls home in La Masica, Honduras, as well as in Cusuna, Honduras

Connect Global has been going to Cusuna since 2004, and La Ceiba, Honduras since 2014 while partnering with several different churches, individuals, and businesses. 

In addition to providing more immediate food sources, these systems are being built to help train and familiarize the residents with the systems and processes behind Aquaponics, so they will be able to work together with community leaders and high performing youth to begin the early stages of a full-fledged aquaponics training and business model being outlined. 

The main project needs for us right now is solar powered electricity, which is needed to run small pond size pumps. Our production is being inhibited by low yield, non electric water movement. With the addition of solar panels and battery storage, we could run a single pump, potentially 24 hrs a day which would exponentially increase production. 

You can get involved with Connect Global by going along with us on an upcoming trip, or by donating resources to help us fully optimize these systems.