Connect Global Mission Trip Tips.
We’ve compiled a list of Mission Trip Tips that will ensure starting off on a great foot for any upcoming adventure. This list is what we have decided over the years will make a foundation for a great trip, but please use your discretion as you read the list and make the best choice.
Security & Health
Leave a copy of your passport. For extra backup, leave a copy of your passport at home or with someone you trust. Consider making an electronic copy you can store in your email account as well. Be sure to give them our phone numbers as well as a Emergency Contact.
Bring with you any Medications you take regularly. If you take prescription medications, please bring a copy of the prescription for reference. Some airlines may want to check. You may also want to bring medications like Pepto, Immodium, and other stomach type medicines. I have always found it helpful to bring pain relievers as well.
Bug Spray. Their are plenty of mosquitos and other biting insects that a can of repellant will do wonders at warding off. The accommodations are semi open air so especially at night you will want to “cover up” with Bug Spray.
Sunscreen. The sun is HOT. There are plenty of times where we will have tree cover, but plan on being outside most of the day. Sunscreen applied liberally will make all the difference in preventing sunburns.
Battery Operated Personal Fan. Like i said it is HOT here and we don’t want you to overheat. If you have a propensity to be too hot, then pack one. This is obviously up to your discretion, but it can be a “nice luxury”.
Drink plenty of Water. We will have access to clean, purified water while we are there. Please refrain from drinking water that is directly from faucets, or puddles on the ground. If you have a doubt, go without…but find some quick. If we leave the house its always best to grab a bottle or refill yours because we may be gone for a while.
Don’t Bring large sums of money. Aside from maybe a couple of souvenirs, or a snack at the airport, you will really not need a large amount of cash at all. It is safer for the entire team to not have a lot of valuables in general, but cash especially becomes a target for theft and or uncomfortable situations. Also, please check with team leaders before handing ANYONE cash for ANY reason. Many people will ask for help in many different ways, but as a part of this team, we hope you will trust that we are making the very best decision in who and how to help. If you receive a request please bring it to either Travis or Javier first and we will have a plan on how best to give.
Bring a charger. If you want to use your iPod + Camera + Beard shaver, make sure you can charge it. That being said, also be prepared to be WITHOUT electricity perhaps for the entire week.
Turn off your cellular data. There’s usually a very hefty fee for roaming outside the country, even if you’re not making calls, the data will need to be turned off or your phone may keep trying to find reception and charge you for that. We will have a team phone on which we will take turns using if necessary, to check in with family.
Camera. We are traveling to a beautiful place, with beautiful people, and will make beautiful memories. If you would like to capture all this beauty please bring your camera. While at the pastor's house, the church or the school, please take as many pictures as you can/want. While outside on the streets, in the car or walking, please refrain from becoming the paparazzi. Most people in public, in this country or abroad, do not take kindly to five cameras being pointed at them. If you are able to discretely take photos while out and about, do so VERY cautiously.
Bring a Flashlight. We suggest this because of the unreliability of electricity. At night especially, getting to the bathroom and back to bed is a challenge in a new, dark place. Bring your light with you.
Luggage & Packing
Please plan to only bring One piece of Luggage, plus a personal bag. There is not a lot of space once we get to our destination, and transportation while in the country is also very tight, so it’s best if you are able to carry only the absolute necessities. If you think you need more room, please call us and run the scenario by us. Thank You.
Pack Lightly. We all have our own list of required travel “necessities”, but I’d like to ask that you do your very best to pare down your list for this trip. One thing to be sure and not cut from your list, underwear. Oh yes, I did just say that… because someone did forget…Once. Don’t let this happen to you.
Pack an extra set of clothes in your carry-on bag. This is somewhat optional but would fall into the required field pretty quickly if our luggage gets lost by the airline. Think about it.
Clothes to bring. We are going to be outside most days and even when we are inside it will still be HOT. Pack clothes you will be comfortable in the heat with. Please keep in mind that we as a team want to dress modestly. When we are out in the town, please no revealing tanks or short shorts. Guys wear pants to church, preferably khaki type, but at least jeans without holes, and nice shirts. Ladies feel free to wear dresses but not required.
Bring snacks. Traveling abroad is fun, but eating in a foreign country can sometimes become a task. The food provided is very good and prepared by locals and we choose places we've been to before for safety, even still, there may be times you may want to eat “lightly + politely” at the dinner table, then just snack later. Bring small snacks that will fit nicely in your carry on and that will be filling.