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Missions Conference in Honduras 2021

Missions Conference in Honduras 2021

Connect Global will be hosting a Missions Conference on AUGUST 20 AND 21 in San Juan Pueblo Honduras

We are very excited to be putting together a special time of practical training and spiritual encouragement for the Church leaders of Honduras.

Thank You from the Firefighters of Honduras

Thank You from the Firefighters of Honduras

In 2015, Connect Global launched an initiative in Honduras we call Connected Community. As a part of our ongoing support and investment into the Community of La Ceiba, Honduras our team has provided medic training for several members of the local police department. Since then we have also engaged with the Fire Department El Porvenir to provide fire suits, medical equipment, and other job related support like communication radios and most recently an ambulance.

2019 Missions Conference in La Ceiba Recap

2019 Missions Conference in La Ceiba Recap

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2019 Conferencia de Misiones en La Ceiba


Connect Global tuvo un tiempo maravilloso como anfitrión de la Conferencia de Misiones 2019 en La Ceiba, Honduras. Este año, los asistentes disfrutaron de varios oradores dinámicos y talleres. Tanto líderes de culto locales como internacionales estuvieron en la conferencia compartiendo sus dones con Honduras, y muchas personas entregaron sus corazones al señor al servicio de la Gran Comisión.

Organizar eventos anuales como la Conferencia de Misiones de este año es una expresión de nuestro deseo de ayudar a preparar y equipar a América Latina para llegar al mundo. Esta conferencia anual junto con nuestra iniciativa de Comunidad Conectada existente en La Ceiba, Honduras, es parte de la visión a largo plazo de Connect Global.

Connect Global tuvo el honor de albergar algunos oradores invitados, pastores y capacitadores muy especiales. Dr. Mitch Arbeláez, Movilizador Internacional de Go To Nations, Pastor Tony Byrd, Morning Star Church, y Dr. Johnny Moffitt, Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness, junto con muchos otros oradores y maestros de renombre de La Ceiba como el Pastor Allan Lorenzana, Pastor Edgardo Lainez, Pastor Mauricio Vargas estuvieron allí para ayudar a compartir la visión.

Registro en línea, haciendo clic en el botón de abajo.

Connect Global Missions Conference in La Ceiba

Connect Global had a wonderful time hosting the 2019 Missions Conference in La Ceiba, Honduras. This years attendees enjoyed several dynamic speakers, and workshops. Both international and local worship leaders were at the conference sharing their giftings with Honduras, and many people gave their hearts to the lord in service to the Great Commission..

Hosting annual events such as this year’s Missions Conference is one expression of our desire to help Prepare and Equip Latin America to Reach the World. This annual conference along with our existing Connected Community initiative in La Ceiba, Honduras is a part of the long term vision of Connect Global. 

Connect Global was honored to host some very special guest speakers, pastors, and trainers. DrMitch Arbeláez, International Mobilizer from Go To Nations, Pastor Tony Byrd, Morning Star Church, & Dr Johnny Moffitt, Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness, along with many other well renowned speakers and teachers from La Ceiba such as Pastor Allan Lorenzana, Pastor Edgardo Lainez, Pastor Mauricio Vargas were there to help share the vision.

We hope you will make plans now to join Connect Global for the 2020 Missions Conference, “To the Ends of the Earth” in July of next year.

Pre Registration Available by Clicking the Button Below

Nuevas radios de comunicación para los bomberos de El Porvenir Honduras

Nuevas radios de comunicación para los bomberos de El Porvenir Honduras

En 2015, Connect Global lanzó una iniciativa en Honduras que llamamos Comunidad Conectada. Como parte de nuestro continuo apoyo e inversión en la Comunidad de La Ceiba, Honduras, nuestro equipo proporcionó una capacitación de 2 días para varios miembros del departamento de policía local. Desde entonces, también nos hemos comprometido con los departamentos de bomberos de La Ceiba y El Porvenir para proporcionar trajes contra incendios, equipos médicos y otro tipo de apoyo relacionado con el trabajo.

Missions Conference La Ceiba 2019

Missions Conference La Ceiba 2019

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2019 Conferencia de Misiones en La Ceiba

Julio 25, 26, y 27

Estamos muy emocionados de organizar un tiempo especial de capacitación práctica y aliento espiritual para los líderes de la Iglesia de Honduras.

Organizar eventos anuales como esta Conferencia de Misiones es una expresión de nuestro deseo de ayudar a Preparar y equipar a América Latina para alcanzar el mundo. Esta conferencia, junto con nuestra iniciativa existente de Comunidad Conectada en La Ceiba, Honduras, es parte de la visión a largo plazo de Connect Global.

Habrá varios oradores y entrenadores invitados especiales que estarán con nosotros, entre ellos el Dr. Mitch Arbeláez, Movilizador internacional de Go To Nations, el Pastor Tony Byrd, la Iglesia Morning Star, el Dr. Johnny Moffitt, Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness, junto con muchos otros oradores y profesores de renombre.

Registro en línea, haciendo clic en el botón de abajo.

Usted está invitado a una reunión especial. Llene el siguiente formulario para obtener actualizaciones. REGÍSTRATE AHORA:

Connect Global Missions Conference in La Ceiba

Connect Global will be hosting a Missions Conference on July 25, 26, & 27th.

We are very excited to be putting together a special time of practical training and spiritual encouragement for the Church leaders of Honduras.

Hosting annual events such as this missions conference is one expression of our desire to help Prepare and Equip Latin America to Reach the World. This conference along with our existing Connected Community initiative in La Ceiba, Honduras is a part of the long term vision of Connect Global. 

There are several special guest speakers and trainers that will be with us including DrMitch Arbeláez, International Mobilizer from Go To Nations, Pastor Tony Byrd, Morning Star Church, & Dr Johnny Moffitt, Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness, along with many other well renowned speakers and teachers.

There is Online Registration Available by Clicking the Button Below

Help Connect Global Serve the Firefighters of Honduras

Help Connect Global Serve the Firefighters of Honduras

In 2015, Connect Global launched an initiative in Honduras we call Connected Community. As a part of our ongoing support and investment into the Community of La Ceiba, Honduras our teams have provided several rounds of gear donations, a 2-day training for members of the local police department, and we have also engaged with the Fire Departments of La Ceiba, and El Porvenir to provide fire suits and other job related support.

Connect Global visit with the Firefighters of Honduras

Connect Global visit with the Firefighters of Honduras

In 2015, Connect Global launched an initiative in Honduras we call Connected Community. As a part of our ongoing support and investment into the Community of La Ceiba, Honduras our teams have provided several rounds of gear donations, a 2-day training for members of the local police department, and we have also engaged with the Fire Departments of La Ceiba, and El Porvenir to provide fire suits and other job related support.

Supporting The Great Commission In Latin America

Supporting The Great Commission In Latin America

The Connect Global Team operates under the mandate found in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ". Our purpose is To share the Good News of Jesus around the world and help others do the same. One of the ways we are accomplishing this is by partnering with Pastors around the world who do the work of making disciples in some of the farthest, and most unreached areas in the world. 

Global Pathway in Honduras

Global Pathway in Honduras

What is Global Pathway?

God loves to bless the work of the local church when that work includes reaching out to the nations of the earth.
— Dr. Jerry Williamson, President of Go To Nations



We understand the struggles of leading the local church. Pastors and church leaders carry a dream deep within their hearts to see God's call fulfilled in their own lives and in their churches.  Endless hours of work and sacrifice are often given, year after year, in order to see the church progress in true spiritual growth and purpose.  But many times, one area of the church's growth seems to fall short because the pastor does not know exactly how to approach it--namely, the church's global outreach or missions program. Global Pathway is designed to help pastors eliminate the uncertainty of missions and help their churches launch strong missions programs or help create new potential for existing ones.  

Three Core Principles form the foundation for this transformational training:

1. Every Christian is called by God to take personal ownership of the Great Commission.

2. The local church is God's primary instrument to reach the world for Christ, and must be mobilized for this purpose.

3. The local church is the seed bed for all missionaries, and the sending force behind all missionaries.  

Connect Global Missions Conference in La Ceiba, Honduras july 25-27, 2019

Mitch & Michelle Arbeláez video en Español