The Connect Global Team operates under the mandate found in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ". Our purpose is To share the Good News of Jesus around the world and help others do the same. One of the ways we are accomplishing this is by partnering with Pastors and Church Planters around the world who do the work of making disciples in some of the farthest, and most unreached areas in the world.
Connect Global exists to Share the Good News of Jesus and Help Others do the Same.
We are called to share the good news, and Connect Global does this in very practical ways like building water wells, and maternity homes, as well as spiritually through preaching and teaching the message of Jesus Christ around the world.
Part of this mission has led us to partner with Honduran church leaders, pastors, and church planters in their efforts to share the Good News in their communities and around the world.
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”
Connect Global’s National Director in Honduras, Jorge Amador, and our Honduran Partner Pastor Allan Lorenzana just got back from leading a 14 day Mission Trip to Panama. Along with two of Pastor Allan’s church leaders the team trekked over three-thousand miles round trip. The team experienced minor car trouble, 3 flat tires, and a busted windshield. They slept, and showered when they could. They ate foreign foods and occasionally got a little sick, but they always stayed on mission.
Throughout their two week journey they met with hundreds of people in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. They attended a conference of Church Leaders from several Central and South American Countries. They combined their efforts with several American partners that Connect Global is working with and had an amazing time sharing the Good News throughout Central America.
“The team made a life changing impact in the lives of 48 people who decided to respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ.”
The work we do is often hard, and in some of the toughest conditions but we press on. Connect Global is committed to sharing the Good News with as many people as possible and helping others do the same. We want to prepare and equip Latin America to reach the world.
Connect Global often has the opportunity to serve the community in practical ways. Mentoring and Sponsoring Students, Supporting Local Food Programs, and teaching Aquaponics are just some of the ways we serve others as we share the story of Jesus.
The recent trip to Panama is a shining example of the opportunity there is for Latin America to become a mission sending force in the world. This is why we are partnering with local leaders in La Ceiba, Honduras to launch a School of Missions. We believe it is our mandate to lead by empowering local pastors, church planters, and missionaries to go beyond their borders and become global leaders in missions.
Thank you to everyone who contributes and supports Connect Global — you are truly making an impact around the world.
Will you help us Sponsor the next Mission Conference in La Ceiba?
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Connect Global supports local pastors and church planters in as they travel throughout Latin America Sharing the Good News of Jesus.
Connect Global Partner and friend, Pastor Allan Lorenzana, completing a training on evangelism around the world.
Join Connect Global on our next Mission Trip
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