We love serving the people God has called us to as a family and we count it a great honor.
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Life Change
“The missionary heart: Care more than some think is wise. Risk more than some think is safe. Dream more than some think is practical. Expect more than some think is possible. I was called not to comfort or success but to obedience….There is no joy outside of knowing Jesus and serving him.”
—Karen Watson, martyr, March 15, 2004
Thank You for your interest in our family.
We had a great summer with our team coming in from Texas, Florida and Atlanta in July. Together we got to partner with several local organizations to provide support to their community work.
We are preparing for our next team September 12th.
This team will drive to a village called Cusuna, Honduras. It is about six hours from La Ceiba. This village is the location of the very first mission trip Danielle and I went to together, 10 years ago. This village is very special to our family as it not only represents the first time we fell in love with this group of people but little did we know it would also be the catalyst to launch us into missions in the capacity we are today.
Choosing to live full time for a year in another country is a special privilege that we have not taken lightly.
Yes there are challenges and there are some days that are harder than others, but we have had a wonderful time so far. We have made new, life long friends all over the country of Honduras and are grateful to be able to strengthen the relationships we have made over the last 10 years.
This year has given us greater perspective on how to continue working and serving this country for the future.
Our time has also given us up close opportunities to see past the news headlines that tell us that Honduras is nothing more than the murder capitol of the world. There are hardworking, law abiding, community serving people all over this country. Everyone we have worked with here has been wonderful. We have been able to make some great partnerships with self motivated leaders and directors.
Please keep us in your prayers and keep Honduras in your prayers.
There is still much we can all do to help lend a hand to our friends here. If you would like to make a financial donation you can know that every dollar is going to people who are great stewards and are making every penny go as far as possible! Additionally, we are always looking for volunteers to come and give of your time, expertise and skill to augment the work that is going on in this community.
Javier & Danielle Mendoza
Connect Global
Pastor Fredy Ventura is a very dedicated servant to the people of La Ceiba.
He is a man that holds in very high regard the responsibility God has bestowed upon him. His work is run on Faith in God alone.
Pastor Fredy Ventura in his office at the Comedor de JesuCristo in La Ceiba, Honduras
7 days a week and 24 hours a day, people in La Ceiba can come to the Comedor de JesuCristo and receive a meal.
There are three designated meal times set aside to serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, however, because of a rotation of volunteer pastors and church leaders, they will serve a meal to someone in need at any time of day or night.
The location is centrally located and easy to access. There are no forms to sign, or agreements between those serving and those eating. They have stripped everything down to a basic service of feeding the hungry. At each meal the word of God is preached, and food is served. They do so based on a belief of biblical scriptures instructing them to do so. People wishing to get a meal do not need to do anything except show up.
Pastor Fredy has told us of numerous times when this community kitchen was out of food with no resources left to purchase food as well.
Serving up to three hundred meals each day is a huge task to undertake and being without food in the pantry is a major problem. Pastor Fredy described one such occasion when one of the volunteer cooks called him and told him the pantry was completely empty. Being a man of great faith, and conviction, he instructed her to put the pots and pans on the stove and to begin boiling water. She did as he said, while Freddy drove up to the kitchen. When he arrived he circled up all of the volunteers to pray for provisions. As they concluded their prayers, a vehicle approached, and out stepped a person no one had ever met offering a trunk load of food to be donated to the feeding program.
Pastor Freddy truly believes that every meal provided by this program past, present and in the future is directly from God, and he continues to feed those who come because of that faith.
He has shared with us that he has seen many people benefit from this program in their time of need so much so that he has even seen some people get off the street and return to their family and employment. They also have several "graduates' who now volunteer their time and no longer live on the streets like those they now get the chance to serve.
We are grateful to be able to support Comedor de JesuCristo, Our Team in July served here as well as donated several hundred pounds of food, and medical supplies for a free clinic that is also available.
Pastor Donny Kyker of Odessa, and Javier Mendoza of Connect Global speaking to the guests of Comedor de JesuCristo in La Ceiba.
This is from a blog series by Travis Moffitt entitled "Why Honduras". Travis Moffitt is Co Founder, President, and CEO of Connect Global.
Price: $1800 + A changed Life
Over the last ten years I have had great opportunities to both lead and attend numerous short- term mission trips. Each with their own specific purpose, style, location and price. I've been a part of mission trips going to locations with the US borders and as far out as Western Europe. With projects ranging from VBS events, to construction projects, to medical relief. And with price tags from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. Variety iIs certainly the name of the game when it comes to short-term mission trips.
Repeatedly I have found myself in the great nation of Honduras. For many reasons I have found this location to be an excellent destination for short-term trips. One such advantage is simply the trip price. At Connect Global we offer a 6 day missional adventure for the low price of $1800 + Your Life.
Let's break that down. $1800 covers your international airfare from your preferred US airport, all ground transportation, lodging, food and trip insurance. Comparatively, that's a pretty low cost threshold when it comes to a short-term mission trip.
The "Changed Life" cost calculates a little differently. At Connect Global we are very intentional about engaging each team member at a heart level. We do not hide the reality that a short-term mission trip is more than an international visit. I can promise you that through a trip of this nature your heart will be stretched and opened up to a whole new world. While we will bring you home alive and well, we will also return you to your family and friends as an entirely new person. The life perspective you once had will be all together exchanged for a new, missional world-view.
A recent study by the research organization, Barna Group, reports that 75% of short-term mission trip team members state that the trip "changed their life in some way." (http://goo.gl/ 7Zn7L8) Many of our experiences have some impact on us but very few could actually be described as "life-changing." Yet that is the most common description of a short-term mission trip.
We believe this equates to an enormous cost with an even greater return. The exchange of the old for the gift of the new. Life, that is. While most of us would say that our lives are great, imagine the fulfillment of an even great life. A change in a more positive direction. Greater clarity of purpose. More awareness of others. A enlarged perspective of the world around you. More sensitivity to the struggle of others and clearer perspective of your ability to actually lessen those struggles.
At Connect Global we say it this way: GO | SERVE | CHANGE.
As you go and serve someone else. Your life, as well as their's, is changed forever.
Our next international journey to Honduras is in April 2015. You can join us for the low cost $1800 + Your Life and receive the incredible life changing benefits. Find out more and sign up at www.goservechange.com/trips.
The label "life-changing" is pasted on many things, but the description fits most short-term service trips. Only one-quarter of those who have participated on such a trip said it was "just an experience," while a majority said it changed their life in some way. The most common areas of personal growth that people recall - even years later - include becoming more aware of other people’s struggles (25%), learning more about poverty, justice, or the world (16%), increasing compassion (11%), deepening or enriching their faith (9%), broadening their spiritual understanding (9%), and boosting their financial generosity (5%). Others mentioned the experience helped them feel more fulfilled, become more grateful, develop new friends, and pray more. Source: Barna Group