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The Connection

Video: Racialized Crisis and our Response as Leaders in The Church

Video: Racialized Crisis and our Response as Leaders in The Church

Join in on this very important conversation about Racialized Crisis and what our Response should be as leaders in the church. We invited highly esteemed Author and Pastor, Dr Dorrell Briscoe to help us navigate this topic for our latest episode of Global Neighborhood on The Connection Podcast.

Dando Fruto

Dando Fruto

El equipo de Connect Global ha estado conectado y asociado con el pastor Nahun Flores desde 2004. Él y su familia han servido muy bien a su comunidad de Honduras y al pueblo garífuna a lo largo de los años. Lo apoyamos mientras continúa su ministerio desde Cusuna hasta Trujillo y todos los puntos intermedios.

Permanezcamos conectados con DIOS

Permanezcamos conectados con DIOS

El equipo de Connect Global ha estado conectado y asociado con el pastor Nahun Flores desde 2004. Él y su familia han servido muy bien a su comunidad de Honduras y al pueblo garífuna a lo largo de los años. Lo apoyamos mientras continúa su ministerio desde Cusuna hasta Trujillo y todos los puntos intermedios.

Be A Blessing

Be A Blessing

We can become a whole new creation for the purpose of being the same blessing to others. Lean in with us as Travis Moffitt shares with us a key set of scriptures outlining our amazing position we can take on if we realize that we are Blessed to be a Blessing

Good News

Good News

In the midst of all that is going on in our world right now we could all use a little bit of good news.

You Are Blessed

You Are Blessed

There are things in our lives that can only be explained as blessings. Things we may not even deserve. We can identify those blessings as that which only comes from one source.

All Nations

All Nations

In the midst of all that is going on in our world right now we could all use a little bit of good news.

What is my Part

What is my Part

In the midst of all that is going on in our world right now we could all use a little bit of good news.

Our Friend and Partner Pastor Nahun Flores

Our Friend and Partner Pastor Nahun Flores

The Connect Global Team has been connected to and partnering with Pastor Nahun Flores since 2004. He and his family have served their community of Honduras and the Garifuna People very well over the years. We support him monthly to continue his ministry from Cusuna to Trujillo and all points in between.  

Global Neighborhood - Pastor Mike Wells Part 1

Global Neighborhood - Pastor Mike Wells Part 1

The Connect Global Team is very excited about what 2018 has to offer. Listen in on the audio conversation between Travis Moffitt and Pastor Mike Wells. This is Part 1 of 2.