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Connect Global visit with the Firefighters of Honduras

Connect Global visit with the Firefighters of Honduras

In 2015, Connect Global launched an initiative in Honduras we call Connected Community. As a part of our ongoing support and investment into the Community of La Ceiba, Honduras our teams have provided several rounds of gear donations, a 2-day training for members of the local police department, and we have also engaged with the Fire Departments of La Ceiba, and El Porvenir to provide fire suits and other job related support.

Mission Trip or Vacation?

Mission Trip or Vacation?

The difference between a mission trip and a vacation

“A mission trip is just a vacation that someone else pays for.” Lots of mission trip critics say this, and they’re right. Sometimes. At first glance mission trips and vacations do look pretty similar. They both involve taking time off from school or work, traveling to a new place, and taking lots of pictures.

However, if you’re really going on a mission trip, there will always be one huge difference. The difference is your purpose.

However, if you're really going on a mission trip, there will always be one huge difference. 

The difference is your purpose.

Self-centered vs. Selfless

The purpose of a vacation is to maximize your own personal enjoyment, relaxation, and pleasure. It's a trip that's all about you. It's self-centered.

On the other hand, the purpose of a mission trip is to maximize the name of Jesus by serving others. It's a trip that's all about others. It's selfless.

When a mission trip turns into a vacation

Can a mission trip turn into a vacation? Yes, if you're not being intentional.

What are your motives and reasons for going? To snap some cool pictures, get to know a cute guy or girl, or travel to an exotic place? If this is where your motives start and end, you're not honestly on a mission trip; you're more on a vacation because you're only focusing on yourself (self-centered).

What's your motivation?

Since we're all naturally self-centered, we need to be intentional about having selfless motives. It's not bad or wrong to take pictures, have fun with your teammates, or enjoy traveling. However, you don't want one of those to be your primary motivations during your trip. Motives turn into actions. So, if taking pictures is your primary motive, it'll be your primary action all throughout your mission trip.

On the other hand, if you're intentional about having motives like serving others, digging wells, or sharing God's love with children, then these will be the motives that turn into actions on your mission trip.

Think about it

Which way is your trip leaning? The mission trip side or the vacation side? The selfless side or the self-centered side?

No trip is perfect, and we all struggle with self-centered motives. However, if we're striving to be better reflections of Jesus, we need to be moving in a selfless direction. Jesus was rarely focused on getting great selfies during His trips.

Written by CJ -

Keep Reading: The difference between a mission trip and a vacation

Supporting The Great Commission In Latin America

Supporting The Great Commission In Latin America

The Connect Global Team operates under the mandate found in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ". Our purpose is To share the Good News of Jesus around the world and help others do the same. One of the ways we are accomplishing this is by partnering with Pastors around the world who do the work of making disciples in some of the farthest, and most unreached areas in the world. 

Why do birds choose to stay in the same place

Why do birds choose to stay in the same place

I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth, then if ask myself the same question.
— Harun Yahya

 Sometimes we forget that we were created to fly.

We forget we are created to seek. We forget that we are created for a lot of things that we never get around to doing. 

Why is that?

It could be our comfort, our Fear, or even Lack of faith. Whatever the reason, we allow it to ground an incredible creature designed for so much more. 

Don't let your ability to fly be exchanged for something else.  

Stretch your wings and fly. 


Supporting Local Pastors in Honduras

Supporting Local Pastors in Honduras

The Connect Global Team operates under the mandate found in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ". Our purpose is To share the Good News of Jesus around the world and help others do the same. One of the ways we are accomplishing this is by partnering with Pastors around the world who do the work of making disciples in some of the farthest, and most unreached areas in the world. 

Maternity Home Project Update Spring 2019

Maternity Home Project Update Spring 2019

The Connect Global Team is very excited about the progress of the Maternity Home Ministry as well as the building and construction efforts which are scheduled to be complete in May 2019.

Together we have been able to work towards the completion of a Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras. Thank You!

This home is nearly complete and we could not be more excited to begin our ministry efforts inside the newly built, 24 bed facility. The Connect Global staff had an opportunity to finalize the contract which will allow us to begin forming the operations staff for the Maternity Home. We are so grateful for everyone who has donated and been a part of this journey.

Connect Global Team( L-R Travis Moffitt, Jorge Amador, Javier Mendoza, & Saige Mendoza) with Head Foreman and Contractor for ETERNA, Humberto Kwan Yan, March 2019

Connect Global Team( L-R Travis Moffitt, Jorge Amador, Javier Mendoza, & Saige Mendoza) with Head Foreman and Contractor for ETERNA, Humberto Kwan Yan, March 2019

Thank you for all of your prayer and your support! 


“A Mother holds her children's hands for a while...their hearts forever”

Connect Global Team at the entrance to the Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Connect Global Team at the entrance to the Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Construction of the Maternity Home in La Ceiba Honduras should be complete by May 2019.

Construction of the Maternity Home in La Ceiba Honduras should be complete by May 2019.


Connect Global Maternity Home Ministry Update


Thank You for Your Support


Connect Global partnership with the Firefighters of Honduras

Connect Global partnership with the Firefighters of Honduras

In 2015, Connect Global launched an initiative in Honduras we call Connected Community. As a part of our ongoing support and investment into the Community of La Ceiba, Honduras our teams have provided several rounds of gear donations, a 2-day training for members of the local police department, and we have also engaged with the Fire Departments of La Ceiba, and El Porvenir to provide fire suits and other job related support.

Connect Global Visit to the Elders Home in El Porvenir

Connect Global Visit to the Elders Home in El Porvenir

Connect Global mission team visit to El Porvenir

There are many ways that Connect Global has chosen to impact communities in Honduras. We often will find smaller sub communities to work with and one of those communities is the Elders Home in El Porvenir. Last year we visited and delivered prescription glasses as well as other items that were requested to help them create handmade gifts and crafts which they then sell to supplement their income.

This home provides a safe a secure place for some of El Porvenir’s most vulnerable citizens to engage with others, make crafts, and be fed. Our relationship with the Director, Olivia, has been able to help us know what is needed and what will be a blessing to the men and women who benefit from this home. It is our desire to help in any way possible and to help find sustainable ways to supplement the work Olivia is doing.


In addition to prescription glasses and knitting materials we have also provided a fully functional aquaponic food system. This is a blessing to the home’s already functioning chicken coops and in ground gardens. Aquaponics is a way for the home to provide some extra proteins and leafy veggies to an already vulnerable group of people and help ensure a nutritious diet.

Improving someone’s quality of life is easier to achieve than you may think.

We are grateful for you and for all the supporters we have been so fortunate to have been backed by over the years. We are always on the look out for more ways to support and help these communities and we will continue to share with you the success of those outreaches and how you can get plugged in.

If you are able to give a donation whether it is financial or something like glasses, small electronics, or medial supplies please click the donation button below or send us an email.

Thank You

Connect Global is always looking for new ways to connect with and impact citizens of all ages in Honduras.

Connect Global is always looking for new ways to connect with and impact citizens of all ages in Honduras.

The Connect Global Team shared a fun morning with the elders of El Porvenir and were blessed to invest in their community by purchasing some of the handmade crafts they had prepared.

The Connect Global Team shared a fun morning with the elders of El Porvenir and were blessed to invest in their community by purchasing some of the handmade crafts they had prepared.