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Connect Global School Visit in the US

Connect Global School Visit in the US

In February 2021 the Connect Global team was able to start the Honduras school year off by assuming the financial and logistical responsibilities of a primary and secondary school, Las Huellas Del Maestro, which as of March 1st, 2021 has 172 students as a part of expanding our ongoing commitment to education and care for children.

Connect Global Appoints New Superintendent

Connect Global Appoints New Superintendent

In March 2021 the Connect Global team was able to continue implementing new strategies as we assume the financial and logistical responsibilities of a school, Las Huellas Del Maestro, which as of April 1st, 2021 has 172 students as a part of expanding our ongoing commitment to education and care for children.

Connect Global Education Initiatives are Expanding In Honduras

Connect Global Education Initiatives are Expanding In Honduras

In February 2021 the Connect Global team was able to start the school year off by assuming the financial and logistical responsibilities of a school, Las Huellas Del Maestro, which as of Marc 1st, 2021 has 172 students as a part of expanding our ongoing commitment to education and care for children.

Education Initiatives In Honduras

Education Initiatives In Honduras

In August 2019 the Connect Global team was able to present a group of students with inspirational music and quality teaching, as well as hand out a few special treats, as a part of our ongoing commitment to education and care for children.

Connect Global School Sponsorships

Connect Global School Sponsorships

The Connect Global Team is very excited about what this Student Sponsorship has to offer. Our friends and partners have done an excellent job jumping in and sponsoring students in La Ceiba, Honduras. We invite you to join us and share your love and support for these students who are still in need of sponsorship! You will be glad you did!

Updated: April 4, New Names have been added and these super smart students are in need of sponsorship! 

Students in need of Sponsorship

Below is a Printable poster for each student. Please feel free to download, and print or save for your convenience 

Thank you for all of your prayer and your support! 


Are you already Sponsoring a Student in Honduras? Perhaps you would like to share your experiences with our team. Add your comment below and let us know how this opportunity has impacted you and your family! 
Join Connect Global in Honduras for our next trip to see the students we sponsor in La Ceiba. 

Join Connect Global in Honduras for our next trip to see the students we sponsor in La Ceiba. 

The Connect Global Team is sponsoring students at two schools in La Ceiba, Honduras. New Life School & Heaven's Door School. 

The Connect Global Team is sponsoring students at two schools in La Ceiba, Honduras. New Life School & Heaven's Door School. 


Connect Global Maternity Home Fundraising Update

Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous support we have received we will be making plans to break ground in 2018. We have been talking with several professional contractors in La Ceiba to finalize building standards and firm up a potential start date. We will inform you of the details when they are complete.


Thank You for Your Support


New Life School

New Life School

We are extremely proud to be a part of sponsoring a school in La Ceiba, Honduras called New Life School

This sponsorship helps keep kids in school, well fed, in clean uniforms and with supplies to get their work done. New Life School is a Christian School that was founded by a local church and their Pastor's. 

Along with a generous partner, we put the framework together for this school sponsorship and our hope here at Connect Global is to use it as a guide/template to sponsor other schools in Honduras. 

Connect Global is looking for new sponsors and we need your help!

If you would like to help Connect Global make a positive impact in Honduras, please Contact Us

Connect Global Sponsorships

Connect Global Sponsorships

Student Sponsorship will help to provide tuition, books, and uniform for each student as well as aim to help the school continue paying teachers and administrative services.

Education is the Most Powerful Weapon

Education is the Most Powerful Weapon

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela

Find out how to Educate a Student through Connect Global