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Happy Birthday to Connect Global

Happy Birthday to Connect Global

4 Years ago a Journey was started.

Four years ago today Connect Global was created to bring sustainable solutions to people in need throughout the world.  We set out to find friends with whom we could partner to deliver real solutions to real problems in a sustainable way.

Some of you have joined us.  Some of you have come along the journey to visit foreign soil with us.  Some of you have faithfully and financially sent us along the path.  Many have found long lost friends they never knew they had; All while bringing sustainable solutions to those in greatest need.

These solutions have changed from place to place.  Different problems require different solutions.  Even while adapting our methods to the needs of each friend we visit, our priorities have never wavered.  

There is one solution that we have found to fit every need.  In fact I would personaly say that this is the most sustainable solution of all: The Good News of Jesus.  Simply put, we are blessed to be a blessing.  We have received grace, now we can freely give grace.  We have received favor, now we can freely give favor.  We have received life, now we can freely give life.  

All that we have is because of the kindness of God through Jesus and we are freely asked to simply give it all away.  Each person receiving this can simply pass it on.  No other methodology is more simple, more duplicatable, more sustainable or more impactful.

Around the world as well as around the corner there are people just like you and me.  People in need of sustainable solutions to the problems they face.  People in need of life.  People in need of grace.  People in need of you and me.  Our birthday wish at Connect Global is that these blessings of life and grace would simply be passed along.

To all who have joined us; we offer blessings.  To all who have financially given to Connect Global along this journey, we are deeply moved and honored by your support and friendship.  

You have blessed us beyond measure and there are countless lives that are better for it.

Please join us today in wishing Connect Global a happy fourth birthday!

-Travis Moffitt

Connect Global visit to the National Police Station of Honduras in La Ceiba

Connect Global visit to the National Police Station of Honduras in La Ceiba

Javier and Danielle Mendoza along with Pastor Allan Lorenzana of CCI Church in La Ceiba, visited the National Police headquarters for the state of Atlantida. 

Javier Mendoza with Luis Bustamante in La Ceiba

Javier Mendoza with Luis Bustamante in La Ceiba

Our time was spent observing the conditions of their medical clinic. The clinic serves all of the police officers here in the state as well as their children. 

We were asked to visit by our friend and Police Commissioner Luis Bustamante. He is concerned with the condition of the clinic and what they are able to do with the little resources dedicated towards police officer care. 

Commissioner Bustamante took notice of our completed projects at DINAF and at the Regional Hospital, and has asked us for help renovating and updating the Police Station Clinic. 

Pastor Allan Lorenzana, with the Mendoza Family meeting with Luis Bustamante at the police.  

Pastor Allan Lorenzana, with the Mendoza Family meeting with Luis Bustamante at the police.  

Along with aesthetic upgrades like paint and fixtures, we plan to provide more up to date medical materials and supplies. Since this is also for the families of police officers, we want to make it something especially nice for these officers, who put their lives on the line each day. 

Javier Mendoza with his daughter on a tour of the Honduran National Police station in La Ceiba Honduras  

Javier Mendoza with his daughter on a tour of the Honduran National Police station in La Ceiba Honduras  

We also plan to organize first aid and CPR training for these first responders. Very few are trained in basic CPR or first aid and when in the field and on missions, time is critical in the care and preservation of lives. Without proper training, these officers are being placed in extra danger which could be prevented. 

The Commissioner told us of a recent tragedy where one of his officers died in the line of duty, because of injuries he sustained while serving on a mission outside the city limits. His injuries should not have been life threatening, but due to the distance from a hospital and the lack of training in first aid or the needed supplies, he suffered and ultimately passed before getting medical treatment. 

Along with this new training initiative, we hope to outfit each company vehicle in the city with a properly equipped medic bag. In depth training combined with proper medical supplies will save lives in La Ceiba. 

We invite you to join us in this community service to these officers and their families. Make a donation online or join us on an upcoming trip.

You can be the difference in making sure these officers come home each and every night. 

Thank You 



Connect Global at DINAF in La Ceiba Honduras

Connect Global at DINAF in La Ceiba Honduras

Connect Global Team at DINAF in La Ceiba

Connect Global April Team in front of DINAF in La Ceiba Honduras

Connect Global April Team in front of DINAF in La Ceiba Honduras

Connect Global has been introduced this year to Dirección Nacional de la Niñez y la Familia (DINAF)  a community organization charged with the enforcement of the protection of children, adolescents, and families. They are the front line of child abuse, adoption, fostering, and family counseling. The local branch in La Ceiba has a school with the capacity of 90 and serves between 30 and 40 families a month though free counseling, light medical treatment, groceries, and daycare for working parents. 

The school currently has around 30 students, and between 5 and 10 preschoolers. 

Javier Mendoza, Mayor Carlos Aguilar, Director of Dinaf Rosa, and Travis Moffitt. 

Javier Mendoza, Mayor Carlos Aguilar, Director of Dinaf Rosa, and Travis Moffitt. 

Rosa, the director, has been great contact and has been able to guide us as we jump in and help. 

The Bathrooms at DINAF were unsanitary, hazardous, and in need of consistent running water.

The Bathrooms at DINAF were unsanitary, hazardous, and in need of consistent running water.

In March we began the renovation of two bathrooms that were in very bad shape. The water was not running, the pipes were strewn across the room, and open drains caused not only a danger to little feet, but an overall health hazard to all. 

We also noticed that the kids area was in need of new dining tables for the cafeteria, a new medical table for their nurses station, and several pieces of school furniture needed refurbishing. 

The Connect Global team that arrived in April, was able to jump right into the renovations, and made a huge difference to the place. Sanders, Paint brushes and Mr Clean in Hand, the team made light work of the children's furniture, bathrooms, and medical area. 

Our team, and network of churches, individuals and local businesses made several monetary and physical donations including Medical Supplies, School Supplies, a new Medical Exam Table, and NEW School lunch tables made by a local craftsman and business owner, Oscar Canales. 

I am so proud of the team and their efforts. I am also grateful for the several local and international partners that came together to make the start of this partnership a success. Special Thanks to: Open Arms Church, Revival Temple, Joshua Nations, Oscar Canales, JIlma Molinero, CCI Church La Ceiba, Life Community Church, Dr. Oviedo, Smart Copy Honduras, and Luis and Juana. 

The team was joined on one of the work days, by the Lady Lee Foundation of Honduras, and the Mayor of the City of La Ceiba, Carlos Aguilar, to complete the donations and gifts. 


"[DINAF is] a new paradigm of child protection consisting of a decentralized governance with the participation of churches and NGOs engaged in the care of children" - Creación de DINAF para atender a la niñez y adolescencia -


Mendoza Family Update

Mendoza Family Update

Saludos from La Ceiba Honduras.

Map of Honduras  

Map of Honduras  

We have been here in La Ceiba for just under two months and have hit the ground running. The way of life is different in many ways but we have already gained a greater knowledge of the work set before us. Our days are full and we wouldn't have it any other way.


We enrolled our daughter in school the first of February. She Is thriving in her new environment. We are so grateful to God that she has gracefully accepted a new country, a new home, a new school and a new set of friends. She and I both are working on learning the new language!


Javier is busy volunteering throughout the week at a local church whose primary focus is church planting and showing God's love in action throughout the community. Javier and I together will be giving FREE English classes at the church each Saturday starting in March. We are told that this will be a big deal to the community!


We are doing this in addition to our time spent at Casa Cielo. Casa Cielo is an orphanage about 25 minutes from our home. I am teaching language, spelling and grammar as well as loving on the kids.

Javier is currently rebuilding a website for them and will be taking over a class of his own in March.

On Thursday nights we are a part of a local Honduran small group that is determined to ask the right questions and do the right things within this community. We are very happy to be involved with each of them who have knowledge, insight and ideas for their community. Plus they are a lot of fun too!

We also met with the Director of DiNAF which is best described as a social service to families in need with the great focus being on the children. Local family's ( many from single parent homes )  bring their children there during the day so they can either work or search for a job. DiNAF gives the children a safe place to be, along with meals for families that do not have the means to pay for childcare or education on their own. We have been invited to partner with them through our time and resources. Javier and I along with the rest of the Connect Global team are thinking through how we can best help this local government organization.

Moving to La Ceiba is the best opportunity we have been given to reach into the lives of many families in need.

We thank you for your continued support and prayer. 

Difficult Things

Difficult Things

Difficult things take a long time, impossible things a little longer.
— Author Unknown
Difficult Things take a long time, Impossibe things a little longer. - Author Unknown

Difficult Things take a long time, Impossibe things a little longer. - Author Unknown

Sometimes in life things are difficult and may even seem to be impossible.

Fret not because somewhere in the world today someone is achieving the impossible, and you can too. It will not be easy and it will not come without discipline but it just might take a little longer than you expected. 

Go and make the impossible happen! 


Beauty in Honduras

Beauty in Honduras

"To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair." 

◄ Isaiah 61:3 ►

Our family has now been in Honduras for 12 days. We have been getting settled in and becoming acquainted with our new town and with some really great new families. 

Each time we have traveled to Honduras over the past 10 years we have been in awe of the natural beauty as well as the beauty in the love and the grace that surely abounds here. 

We have chosen to focus on the beauty and not the ashes. There are families here serving others, there are business leaders improving the community, and there are churches concerned with outreach and not just warehousing believers. 

Yes, there is still crime and hurt and disease but there is also peace, and love and good people willing to do what it takes for light to defeat darkness. 

Our intention here is to highlight the good going on in this community and embrace solutions rather than dwell on the problems. 

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we integrate with this community and pray that we would be successful in our pursuit to exchange beauty for ashes. 

Make A Donation to help us bring Sustainable Solutions to the World

Make A Donation to help us bring Sustainable Solutions to the World

We work very hard to serve others and bring them solutions to issues like poverty and hunger. We rely on your support to make these solutions a reality. We have big plans for This Year and beyond and we invite you to share in the success. 

Click Below to Make A Donation - Every Dollar Counts and no gift is too big or small to make an immediate difference. 

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
— Proverbs 11:25

Mendoza Family In La Ceiba Honduras

Mendoza Family In La Ceiba Honduras

The Mendoza Family will be spending 2015 in La Ceiba Honduras as a part of the Connect Global Connected Community Initiative.

Myself, Danielle and Saige will be living in La Ceiba Honduras to aid in implementing a new plan for bringing sustainable solutions to the city. We have many friends and partners in the area and look forward to meeting and making acquaintance with several more this year.

The overview of Connected Community is structured around helping and supporting
four main groups within the community: Churches, Schools, Local Business, and Children's Homes. We believe that each of these community entities holds
the key to unlocking exponential positive change and growth for La Ceiba. This community will be a shining example of what can happen when we all choose to work together and focus on sustainable solutions.

We are Currently recruiting high caliber Church leaders, Educators, Medical Professionals and Business leaders to come volunteer alongside us in this initiative. We need you to serve by sharing your skills and talents with the Community.

Come be the answer to a prayer you didn’t even know someone was praying.

Ready to get involved, Drop us an Email or join an Upcoming Trip to La Ceiba, Honduras

Mendoza Family Contact Info:

Javier Danielle and Saige Mendoza

PO BOX 47381 Tampa, FL 33646 

Mendoza Family is on Twitter





In Honduras, the Garifuna are an “invisible” people

In Honduras, the Garifuna are an “invisible” people

Connect Global has long been a champion of the Garifuna People. We first visited a Garifuna home when we traveled to Cusuna in 2004. We believe in the Gospel message being made available to everyone in every corner of the earth and we are for Garifuna Lives to be able to access this life changing message and for them.

10 tips on moving to a new country and being happy there

10 tips on moving to a new country and being happy there

My adult life has been characterised by international moves. While I won't even begin to pretend this is not awesome, the first weeks and months in a new country can be disorienting at best, completely depressing at rrworse. I am facing another international move come autumn, so I thought I would take this opportunity to share "Katie's Top 10 Tips for Moving Abroad without Jumping off a Ledge."


  1. Pick one or two items (preferably light ones) and take them with you — no matter where you live. I take a pillow my mother bought me before I left for college and a little dog my uncle gave me one year. No matter where I am living these two objects live with me and remind me that I am at home.
  2. Sign up for a language class. If you already speak the language join a book club. Language classes are helpful because you'll not only develop ever-so-important linguistic skills, you'll also have a chance to meet other new arrivals — people who are probably just as desperate for company as you are.
  3. Figure out where the locals buy their groceries and go there. This will save you tons of money and make you feel so much more at home. Plus, it will expand your culinary palate in ways you can't predict! 
  4. Throw down the dollars for a rental service when shopping for your first flat. It might cost a bit extra but you will find a better place to live and save yourself a significant amount of unnecessary stress.
  5. Download Skype. Buy Skype credit. Love Skype.
  6. Get a mobile phone. I know this sounds weird, but the sooner you have a local number the better. For one thing, it makes it WAY easier to make friends.
  7. Go for a wander, get lost, and find your way home. This is the best way to learn any new place, foreign or not.
  8. Make an appointment you cannot miss on the third day you are there. This will force you to get with the programme, get in the right time zone, and get a life. Sooner than three days is too soon. Later than three days is too late.
  9. Give yourself permission to be homesick. I happily left Denver, CO when I was 18 years old after a countdown that had begun when I was about seven. The fact is ,however, every time I move to a new place, I want to go home — home, home — to Denver. I embrace this feeling. When you feel homesick, recognize that the feeling connects you to the place in which you were born or grew up and to the people you love still living there. Heck, book your holiday ticket home during this period. It soothes the soul and you might save some money buying in advance.
  10. Be grateful. The first few months in any new place, especially a foreign place, is going to be stressful. The fact is that most people live and die very close to the place they are born. You are experiencing something wonderful and unique — no matter how much it makes you want to cry, scream, or rip your hair out.

Via - 10 tips on moving to a new country and being happy there -