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Update on Pastor Fredy at the Comedor de JesuCristo in La Ceiba

Update on Pastor Fredy at the Comedor de JesuCristo in La Ceiba

We are always excited to see and hear updates from hardworking individuals in La Ceiba Honduras. 

Pastor Fredy Ventura runs a local kitchen which serves the citizens of La ceiba who are of the most food insecure in the community. You might remember that our most recent team from the World Race had a chance to serve there in April. 

They serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner - 7 days a week

He shared this update on his Facebook Page yesterday: 

This local kitchen is preparing, and serving 350 meals a day on a budget that comes solely from local and international donors added to what he contributes. We are happy to be connected to his ministry and look forward to serving him in just a couple of weeks during our next Mission Trip to La Ceiba Honduras. 

Children are the Future

Children are the Future

Children are likely to live up to
what you believe of them.
— Lady Bird Johnson

Connect Global is combatting poverty around the world.

Connect Global is combatting poverty around the world.



Nearly half of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty (less than $1.25 a day).

Connect Global is helping people systematically get out of poverty through micro loans. They will be able to provide or their families today while ensuring future generations are independent of outside aid.