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Clean Water Projects In Honduras

Clean Water Projects In Honduras

Over 660 Million people around the world still drink dirty water. People without access to clean drinking water become ill, miss out on school, make less money, and can even die from water borne disease.

Education Initiatives In Honduras

Education Initiatives In Honduras

In August 2019 the Connect Global team was able to present a group of students with inspirational music and quality teaching, as well as hand out a few special treats, as a part of our ongoing commitment to education and care for children.

Connect Global completed new Concrete Floors in Honduras

Connect Global completed new Concrete Floors in Honduras

The Connect Global Team was able to provide 3 new concrete floors for families in San Lorenzo, Honduras. 

Dirt floors are very common in many parts of the world. In Honduras, many homes have very simple walls and a roof, but many of the homes are lacking a very basic, important element— a concrete floor. 

Nuevas radios de comunicación para los bomberos de El Porvenir Honduras

Nuevas radios de comunicación para los bomberos de El Porvenir Honduras

En 2015, Connect Global lanzó una iniciativa en Honduras que llamamos Comunidad Conectada. Como parte de nuestro continuo apoyo e inversión en la Comunidad de La Ceiba, Honduras, nuestro equipo proporcionó una capacitación de 2 días para varios miembros del departamento de policía local. Desde entonces, también nos hemos comprometido con los departamentos de bomberos de La Ceiba y El Porvenir para proporcionar trajes contra incendios, equipos médicos y otro tipo de apoyo relacionado con el trabajo.

The Secret of Change

The Secret of Change

The secret of Change

The secret of Change

The Secret of Change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
— Socrates

How you travel makes a difference

How you travel makes a difference

We’ve compiled a list of Mission Trip Tips that will ensure starting off on a great foot for any upcoming adventure. This list is what we have decided over the years will make a foundation for a great trip, but please use your discretion as you read the list and make the best choice.

Help Us Pray for Jorge Amador

Help Us Pray for Jorge Amador

Jorge Amador, our friend, and partner has been serving with us since 2004. We are asking for our friends to keep him in their prayers this week as he travels through Central & South America.

Help Connect Global Pray for our Friend Jorge as He Travels this Week


Jorge is departing today and will be traveling through Central America and South America over the next couple of weeks. There are some demonstrations and protesting still going on that makes travel a little more difficult and we are monitoring his movements closely and communicating with him along the way.

Please help us by agreeing to keep him in your prayers.


Jorge Amador, National Director for Honduras for Connect Global

Jorge Amador National Director for Honduras

Jorge has always been ready to serve in any capacity needed. His wisdom, charisma, and compassion make him an immediate friend to everyone he encounters. His loyalty make him a friend you want to keep.. 

Jorge is a valuable asset to our leadership in Honduras and has greatly augmented our efforts. He has supervised several projects such as our recently completed water well in El Tamarindo, and he along with his wife Janeth will be our first points of contact in our upcoming Maternity Home Project in La Ceiba .

Thank You, Jorge and family, for all of your hard work. 

Jorge Amador, National Director in Honduras for Connect Global, with his daughter Alison in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Jorge Amador, National Director in Honduras for Connect Global, with his daughter Alison in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Connect Global National Director in Honduras Jorge Amador is traveling to South America this week. Please keep him in your prayers.

Connect Global National Director in Honduras Jorge Amador is traveling to South America this week. Please keep him in your prayers.


Maternity Home Project Update

Connect Global Maternity Home Update


Thank You Jorge for Your Hardwork


Help Connect Global Serve the Firefighters of Honduras

Help Connect Global Serve the Firefighters of Honduras

In 2015, Connect Global launched an initiative in Honduras we call Connected Community. As a part of our ongoing support and investment into the Community of La Ceiba, Honduras our teams have provided several rounds of gear donations, a 2-day training for members of the local police department, and we have also engaged with the Fire Departments of La Ceiba, and El Porvenir to provide fire suits and other job related support.

Aquaponics Update from Connect Global June 2019

Aquaponics Update from Connect Global June 2019

The Connect Global Team has been investing in Aquaponics since our inception. On our First Official Trip as 'Connect Global' to Cusuna, we built 5 aquaponic systems. We have learned a lot since then, and our friend and partner Jorge Amador has built many more and taught several people his skills as well. We plan to build and facilitate an Aquaponic Training Center in Honduras in 2019.

Maternity Home Project Update June 2019

Maternity Home Project Update June 2019

The Connect Global Team is very excited about the progress of the Maternity Home Ministry as well as the building and construction efforts which are scheduled to be complete in Summer 2019.

The Connect Global team is overjoyed with the amazing work that has been done on the Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras. Thank You!

This home is nearly complete and we could not be more excited to begin our ministry efforts inside the newly built facility. In March (2019) the Connect Global staff had an opportunity to finalize the contract with the hospital administration which will allow us to begin the operations for the Maternity Home as soon as the construction is finalized. We are so grateful for everyone who has donated and been a part of this journey.

We were able to tour the Maternity Home today with our current mission team. Tomorrow is one of the final construction related inspections and we expect to be able to begin staffing immediately.

The rooms are beautiful and it is apparent that great attention was paid to every detail. From the foundation to the roof, every facet of the construction of this building is done with excellence.

This Maternity Home allows Connect Global the access to serve both moms and newborns with great care and dignity while sharing the good news of Jesus with employees, hospital staff and each mom and their children.

Our focus and intention has always been on the relationships we can build within this facility through the operation of this Maternity Home Ministry.

We want to thank you for your prayer and support as we continue to invest in this ministry over the coming weeks, months and years. Thank You for sharing the vision and for joining in this cause. We are truly better together and we could never express our gratitude sufficiently.

Connect Global Team( L-R Travis Moffitt, Jorge Amador, Javier Mendoza, & Saige Mendoza) with Head Foreman and Contractor for ETERNA, Humberto Kwan Yan, March 2019

Connect Global Team( L-R Travis Moffitt, Jorge Amador, Javier Mendoza, & Saige Mendoza) with Head Foreman and Contractor for ETERNA, Humberto Kwan Yan, March 2019

Connect Global Mission Team June 2019 - Members from Believers Church in Statesboro, GA & Crosspoint Community Church in Rockwall, TX.

Connect Global Mission Team June 2019 - Members from Believers Church in Statesboro, GA & Crosspoint Community Church in Rockwall, TX.

Thank you for all of your prayer and your support! 


“A Mother holds her children's hands for a while...their hearts forever”

Connect Global June Mission Team at the entrance to the Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Connect Global June Mission Team at the entrance to the Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Mission Team Members inside the Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras in June 2019.

Mission Team Members inside the Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras in June 2019.


Connect Global Maternity Home Ministry Fund


Thank You for Your Support
