Community Outreach continues across Honduras
This past year has brought many new challenges to an already hardship stricken Honduras.
Thousands of Hondurans have been drastically affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, economic downturn, violence, and a devastating Hurricane Season.
Many people have lost their jobs, many homes were swept away in the flooding along with their sense of security.
Our aim at Connect Global is to restore hope those who have lost so much. To provide not only immediate assistance but also long term support in the way of sustainable food, and resources.
Connect Global is grateful to Pastor Jaime Rodriguez from Iglesia Tabernáculo de Dios in El Progreso, Yoro, Honduras.
Pastor Jaime has been doing so much for his community of El Progresso over the years and his commitment to serving only grew in the middle of this pandemic and throughout the tumultuous Hurricane season of 2020. His assistance has not stopped at the walls of his church or even the limits of his town.
Recently, Pastor Jaime donated several hundred pounds of food, and masks for adults and children across the Northern coast of Honduras.
Connect Global National Director Jorge Amador invited Pastor Allan Posas of El Porvenir to accompany him on this most recent outreach to the rural communities of La Cuenca, Trujillo, Tocomacho, and Cusuna.
Pastor Adonis and his wife Yamileth de Bernardez are among the recipients of our most recent community outreach. Thanks to Pastor Jaime of El Progresso, we were able to distribute hundreds of lbs of food and masks for the men women and children of several rural communities across the Northern coast of Honduras.
In a year already devastated by other storms, economic impact and travel shutdowns due to the pandemic, the effects are only beginning to be felt along the northern coast of Honduras where Connect Global works.
This direct distribution of goods and resources is the combined efforts of several pastors, missionaries, and individuals who are working together to help provide as much relief as possible. We could not do what we do without you, or without our Strategic Partners here in Honduras and around the world.
As we travel around we are also better able to asses the long term needs and build a sustainable strategy of immediate care and investment for the future. The country is feeling the impact of a year of shutdowns and floods and is going to be in need of much infrastructure support in the weeks, months, and years ahead.
Jorge Amador with longtime friend of Connect Global, Pastor Nahun Flores unload a portion of the goods donated by Pastor Jaime Rodriguez of El Progresso
The Connect Global team is only able to immediately assist and serve the communities of Northern Honduras because of your generosity.
There is still much work to be done and our teams are out working every single day to help those who have been affected by the storms.
We invite you to Give With Us to make an immediate impact in the lives of those who have been hit the hardest.
Thank You!
Connect Global will continue to serve the people of Honduras.
Preparing to continue implementing the support many are in need of here, we have adopted a 3 part plan:
1) Family Food Bags: We will continue to provide these Family Food Bags to individual families (including pastors’ families) as needed to make sure that their needs are met.
2) Strategic Care Ministries: We will continue to focus efforts on Strategic Care Ministries that are in turn caring for larger groups of people. Delivering food in bulk to these locations helps provide care for hundreds of people at a time.
3) Urban Gardening through Aquaponics: We have set the goal to build 50 urban gardens for families all over the north coast region of Honduras as well as 1 large Urban Farm to grow food in bulk and to provide a training model. This component will provide long-term sustainability through helping others grow their own food and allowing Connect Global to grow large amounts of food to give away.
Give with Connect Global to help serve those in Need.
Let’s work together to provide basic needs for those who are most at risk during this time.