This is from a blog series by Travis Moffitt entitled "Why Honduras". Travis Moffitt is Co Founder, President, and CEO of Connect Global.
Honduras is Approx 882 miles away from our Home in Tampa Florida
I talk to people all the time about taking a mission trip to a foreign country. So many will describe to me their desire for such an adventure followed by all the reasons that it's simply impossible for them. I think over the years I've heard every reason to take a mission trip and every excuse not to.
For many there is a concern of proximity. Often times a mission trip can take 10 days or more to complete. While international travel has become a regular part of modern life, many global destination are simply a long way off. Jet lag, time away from family, from work, from personal responsibilities can become a very real and insurmountable obstacle to missions.
While Jesus asks us to go the "uttermost parts of the earth" he also asks us to go to Samaria. In the text Samaria represents foreign lands that are near by. We need not neglect the parts of the world that or simply hard to get to because they are far away. Just as we should not forget to reach out to foreign lands simply because they are "next door".
The city of La Ceiba, Honduras is only 882 short miles from Tampa, FL. While that's certainly more than a "one tank trip" it's a lot closer than many other missional destinations. Our upcoming trip to La Ceiba in April 2015 will take you away from home for only 6 days. 6 days!
“At Connect Global we are committed to impact the city of La Ceiba through sustainable efforts for years to come. We would be honored if you would join us. ”
Amazing that you can avoid the jet lag, skip the over-full inbox upon return, by pass the family/work/responsibility neglect and still change a life. (Insert sarcastic tone of voice.) Seriously, while distance should not be a primary factor in selecting a missional destination; or taking a mission trip at all, proximity can certainly make a difference.
The reality is that within just a few hours and by giving up a few days you can take a mission trip that will radically change your life and the life of your Honduran neighbor. At Connect Global we are committed to impact the city of La Ceiba through sustainable efforts for years to come. We would be honored if you would join us.
You can learn more about our ongoing efforts in La Ceiba and even sign up for a trip by Clicking the Learn More Button.