This is an update from our friend, Billy Chrzan, Connect Global's NEW Honduras Field Partner. 

We are very excited about the opportunity to partner with Billy and believe that the best is yet to come with our efforts in Honduras through Aquaponics.   

Aquaponic System Built by Billy Chrzan, of Crimson Outreach in Honduras. 

Aquaponic System Built by Billy Chrzan, of Crimson Outreach in Honduras. 

We are branching out and growing quick.

For this we need more teammates and sponsors.

So far we have built systems with the capacity to grow 2800 pounds of food (fish and vegetables) in a growing season...and we have 4 growing seasons here where we live...imagine the mouths that will be reached with quality, healthy, organic food grown with their help.

Javier Mendoza, Billy Chrzan (Honduras Field Partner), Travis Moffitt. 

Javier Mendoza, Billy Chrzan (Honduras Field Partner), Travis Moffitt. 

Due to this increase in systems ready to be built (26 so far) we at Crimson Outreach have teamed up with Connect Global.

The founders of Connect Global have been long time friends and we value their contributions to the needs of the hurting around the world.

Please welcome our new growth and partnership as it is God that set up this great collaboration.

As briefly mentioned above, we now have 26 systems that are either in design and planning stage, are funded and waiting, are still in the raising funds stage or already built and needing maintained.

26 systems will feed a great multitude of people. Some are small backyard systems and a few are community systems. Please join us as we conquer and cancel out the hunger in our area by teaching them to grow their own healthy vegetables with very little ground space and cost to work with. An Aquaponics system will give new crops year after year for decades to come.