One of the main ways Connect Global has been able to reach the communities and really make an impact is through education. We have been involved in supporting education in Honduras since Connect Global was formed, and we have a very special group of partners and supporters in the US that have championed a Student Scholarship at 2 different schools.
The Maternity Home ministry provides Connect Global access to serve both moms and newborns with great care and dignity while sharing the good news of Jesus with our employees, hospital staff and each new mom that we meet.
Connect Global partnered with Pastor Allan and Waldina Lorenzana of CCI Church in La Ceiba, Honduras as well as several other concerned pastors, doctors, church members, and friends to help bring relief to those in need during this global crisis. Thank You to everyone who has given to make this possible.
All over the world today people are facing the same enemy, Covid-19. This tiny virus has caused a huge commotion. Businesses have closed. Schools have shut their doors. Entire nations have declared a quarantine in an effort to limit the spread of the virus. I’m sure in the near and distant future we will look back on this time as a significant historical marker.
We can become a whole new creation for the purpose of being the same blessing to others. Lean in with us as Travis Moffitt shares with us a key set of scriptures outlining our amazing position we can take on if we realize that we are Blessed to be a Blessing
In the midst of all that is going on in our world right now we could all use a little bit of good news.
In the midst of all that is going on in our world right now we could all use a little bit of good news.
In the midst of all that is going on in our world right now we could all use a little bit of good news.
There are things in our lives that can only be explained as blessings. Things we may not even deserve. We can identify those blessings as that which only comes from one source.
Connect Global is partnering with Pastor Allan and Waldina Lorenzana of CCI Church in La Ceiba, Honduras as well as other concerned doctors, church members, and friends to help bring relief to those in need during this global crisis.