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Love has no Geographical Boundaries

Love has no Geographical Boundaries

Little Lambs Refuge in La Masica is a wonderful ministry of Proyecto Alcance founded by David and Dialis Romero. They have cared for and supported girls of all ages in a very poor area of Honduras for 18 years.  Connect Global was introduced to this ministry in 2015 while Danielle, Saige, and myself lived in La Ceiba. 

Backing the Blue in Honduras

Backing the Blue in Honduras

In 2015, Connect Global launched an initiative in Honduras we call Connected Community. It’s our desire through this initiative to facilitate all of our projects in partnership with Local Schools, Churches, Businesses as well as other entities such as the hospitals and the local police departments

A New Home for Maria

A New Home for Maria

The Connect Global Team often comes across a story and situation that just makes sense to offer help. Our friend and National Director Jorge Amador was introduced to Maria through our friends Pastor Allan and Pastor Miguel of CCI Church. CCI Church is very active in opening up their church to the community and offer aide to so many in need near La Ceiba, Honduras.

Let's Give Water to a Village in Need

Let's Give Water to a Village in Need


A Tall glass of water—On a hot summer day there's nothing more refreshing.  The simplest of drinks can be the most thirst quenching, especially when it's exactly what's needed.  Until it's unavailable.

This is the case for the residents of the Honduran towns of El Tamarindo and San Lorenzo.  Around 600 men, women and children have lived without regular access to this most basic life-sustaining drink—Water.

I have witnessed first hand the living conditions of these wonderful people. 

Connect Global is committed to sharing the Gospel of Jesus through collaborative and sustainable solutions.  Through partnership with the local Water Management District, local businesses and local churches Connect Global was able to drill a deep water well in El Tamarindo.  This high capacity water well is now connected directly to the community's existing plumbing system providing water to every home, every family, every child for many years to come.

The community has offered land and committed to build a secure well house.  A local business, Agrolibano, has offered to provide a high capacity water tank.  Connect Global has committed to drill a deep water well and supply a water pump.  Due to the amazing collaboration and financial blessing from many sources in the US and In Honduras, the people of El Tamarindo now have water.

You have a part in all of this

Our Next Water Project will be in San Lorenzo in late summer of 2019. You can come with us and help bring clean water to a community in Need!


We are raising $5000 to complete the next project and we need your help. Whether you can give $5 or $50 every penny counts. You can literally save lives by helping us. Clean Water can equal improvements in education, income and overall health.

Thank you.

Travis Moffitt

The Great Commission

The Great Commission

The Connect Global Team operates under the mandate found in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ". Our purpose is To share the Good News of Jesus around the world and help others do the same. One of the ways we are accomplishing this is by partnering with Pastors and Missionaries around the world who do the work of making disciples in some of the farthest, and most unreached areas in the world. 

Easter Gifts for Little Lambs Refuge

Easter Gifts for Little Lambs Refuge

The Connect Global Team has been supporting Little Lambs Refuge in various ways since our introduction to them in 2015. This year we had the opportunity, because of a generous friend, to send Easter Baskets full of fun gifts for them to open on Easter. You can learn more about this children's home below. 



How did you celebrate Easter? 

Share with us your Easter weekend. Did you hunt Easter eggs, Were you at church? Did you see family? 
Share you stories & comments here by commenting below or email us at 

Connect Global National Director in Honduras, Jorge Amador, sharing Easter baskets with the Kids from Little Lambs Refuge in La Masica, Honduras is seen here with his daughter, Allison.

Connect Global National Director in Honduras, Jorge Amador, sharing Easter baskets with the Kids from Little Lambs Refuge in La Masica, Honduras is seen here with his daughter, Allison.

Travis, Gina, & Noah Moffitt with Javier, Danielle, & Saige Mendoza, Co Founders of Connect Global, enjoying Easter Sunday in Florida 


Join Connect Global on one of our upcoming Mission Trips

Thank You for your support of Connect Global's Partners &  Projects. 


Thank You for Your Support


Cumbre Nacional de Líderes Ministeriales

Cumbre Nacional de Líderes Ministeriales

Cumbre Nacional de Líderes Ministerales de Coneccion Global y APEC - Asociación de Pastores Evangelicos de La Ceiba 2018

Estamos muy emocionados de anunciar nuestra Cumbre Nacional de Lideres Ministerales Honduras 2018 que se llevara a cabo este Julio 16 al 21.


Edificando Líderes Fuertes en cada segmento de la sociedad en La Ceiba y en todo Honduras

Fomentar La Visión de los hondureños como:

  1. Ministros
  2. Plantadores de iglesias
  3. Misioneros

Empoderar a las iglesias locales como representantes del Reino y Líderes de Atención Comunitaria de La Ceiba y en todo Honduras


Habrán diversas oportunidades para poder compartir el evangelio con nuestros vecinos mientras levantamos y equipamos una generacion de lideres a que se conviertan en los proximos agentes de cambio.  








Hotel Como Principes

Carretera hacia Tocoa contiguo a Yonker Cerna




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Cumbre Nacional de Lideres Ministerales

Every Little Girl Deserves to Be Treated Like A Princess

Every Little Girl Deserves to Be Treated Like A Princess

2018 Mission Trip Announcement from Connect Global

2018 Mission Trip Announcement from Connect Global

We are very excited about the next round of Connect Global Mission Trips for 2018. 

At Connect Global we love taking both new and repeat team members on trips to Honduras and other locations.

Something special always takes place when a group of people from different places, and backgrounds all rally around the unified goal of serving others. 

A Mission Trip is not easy, but we do have fun.

Through sweat, tears, and laughter we take a small group of people and make a huge difference in the lives of those needing a hand up! 

We hope you will go with us in 2018 and jump into missions with both feet! 

The Connect Global Mission Trips are listed here, and you can get more information by clicking the boxes below! 

Gracias por tu Apoyo

Gracias por tu Apoyo

Más de 90 familias de la comunidad de El Tamarindo, Nacaome, Valle se benefician con proyecto de agua, que tiene como objetivo principal impactar directamente en las condiciones de saneamiento básico, higiene personal y seguridad alimentaria de estas familias.

Water Well Project in Honduras

El proyecto se llevó a cabo gracias al establecimiento de alianzas locales entre Fundación Agrolíbano, Connect Global, Maquinarias del Pacífico, los pobladores de El Tamarindo y el equipo de voluntariado ”Corazón de Melón” de Agrolíbano, quienes lideraron la ejecución del proyecto, que consistió en la perforación de un pozo e instalación de una bomba eléctrica para extracción de agua, bombeando 8 galones por minuto a un tanque de almacenamiento con capacidad de 10,000 mil litros y abasteciendo de forma gravitacional el sistema existente.

Con esta mejora al sistema, incrementa su capacidad en 480 galones por hora, con lo que se mejora el acceso de agua a muchas familias de la comunidad que carecían del servicio o les resultaba insuficiente.

Asimismo, el proceso es acompañado con el empoderamiento comunitario, en torno a la gestión del recurso agua desde una perspectiva administrativa, hidrosanitaria y ambiental para garantizar la sostenibilidad del mismo. La inversión total en esta mejora asciende a L 586,869.40, de los cuales Connect Global ha aportado el 37%, Maquinarias del Pacifico el 31%, la comunidad aportó el 16%, la Fundación Agrolíbano el 11% y el 5% por parte de Agropecuaria Montelíbano.