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Global Pathway

Global Pathway in Honduras

Global Pathway in Honduras

What is Global Pathway?

God loves to bless the work of the local church when that work includes reaching out to the nations of the earth.
— Dr. Jerry Williamson, President of Go To Nations



We understand the struggles of leading the local church. Pastors and church leaders carry a dream deep within their hearts to see God's call fulfilled in their own lives and in their churches.  Endless hours of work and sacrifice are often given, year after year, in order to see the church progress in true spiritual growth and purpose.  But many times, one area of the church's growth seems to fall short because the pastor does not know exactly how to approach it--namely, the church's global outreach or missions program. Global Pathway is designed to help pastors eliminate the uncertainty of missions and help their churches launch strong missions programs or help create new potential for existing ones.  

Three Core Principles form the foundation for this transformational training:

1. Every Christian is called by God to take personal ownership of the Great Commission.

2. The local church is God's primary instrument to reach the world for Christ, and must be mobilized for this purpose.

3. The local church is the seed bed for all missionaries, and the sending force behind all missionaries.  

Connect Global Missions Conference in La Ceiba, Honduras july 25-27, 2019

Mitch & Michelle Arbeláez video en Español

Senda Global

Senda Global

Senda Global

Un Acercamiento Total a las Misiones

Senda Global es una guía pastoral para avivar el compromiso de su iglesia con la Gran Comisión. Está diseñada para ayudar a los pastores a eliminar la incertidumbre de las misiones y ayudar a sus iglesias a lanzar programas misioneros sólidos, o ampliar el potencial para las ya existentes.

Enfoque Principal de Senda Global

  1. Dios llama a cada cristiano a apropiarse personalmente de la Gran Comisión.
  2. La iglesia local es el instrumento principal de Dios par a alcanzar el mundo para Cristo, y debe ser movilizada para este propósito.
  3. La iglesia local es el semillero de misioneros, y es la fuerza propulsora que los envía

Beneficios de Senda Global:

  1. Provee a la iglesia el entendimiento necesario para a cercarse a las misiones.
  2. Unifica a la iglesia con la visión misionera del pastor.
  3. Permite que cada miembro de la iglesia conteste a su lla mado personal a la Gran Comisión.
  4. Crea un simple, pero efectivo, plan que asegura un gran impacto ministerial.

Resultados de Senda Global:

  1. Principios: Los programas misioneros de la iglesia están basados en los principios Bíblicos.
  2. Procesos: Niveles y sistemas establecidos para ayudar a que la iglesia local se propague mundialmente, como un cuerpo unificado.
  3. Herramientas: Los componentes necesarios para que la iglesia local sea efectiva en el área misionera.
  4. Potencial: La iglesia local poseerá la habilidad de utilizar su potencial inexplorado, como congregación en la cosecha mundial.

El Plan Especial de Senda Global Está Diseñado Para:

  1. Bendecir a la iglesia local, espiritual, numérica y económicamente.
  2. Trabajar en iglesias de cualquier tamaño.
  3. Ayudar a iglesias con programas misioneros existentes.
  4. Adaptarse a cualquier estructura o gobierno de la iglesia.
  5. No cargar al pastor con más trabajo.

El Dr. Mitch Arbeláez se unirá a Connect Global este mes de Junio para dirigir una enseñanza de la Senda Global, en la Iglesia CCI en La Ceiba, Honduras.

Global Pathway in Honduras presented by Dr Mitch Arbeláez

Global Pathway in Honduras presented by Dr Mitch Arbeláez

What is Global Pathway?

God loves to bless the work of the local church when that work includes reaching out to the nations of the earth.
— Dr. Jerry Williamson, President of Go To Nations



We understand the struggles of leading the local church. Pastors and church leaders carry a dream deep within their hearts to see God's call fulfilled in their own lives and in their churches.  Endless hours of work and sacrifice are often given, year after year, in order to see the church progress in true spiritual growth and purpose.  But many times, one area of the church's growth seems to fall short because the pastor does not know exactly how to approach it--namely, the church's global outreach or missions program. Global Pathway is designed to help pastors eliminate the uncertainty of missions and help their churches launch strong missions programs or help create new potential for existing ones.  

Three Core Principles form the foundation for this transformational training:

1. Every Christian is called by God to take personal ownership of the Great Commission.

2. The local church is God's primary instrument to reach the world for Christ, and must be mobilized for this purpose.

3. The local church is the seed bed for all missionaries, and the sending force behind all missionaries.  

Global Pathway Training in La Ceiba, Honduras June 10th, 2017 and in Tegucigalpa June 15th 

Dr. Mitch Arbeláez Will Be Joining Connect Global This June To Lead A Teaching Of Global Pathway, At CCI Church In Honduras.

Mitch & Michelle Arbeláez video en Español