Power plant: this radio runs on moss
by Joseph Flaherty, wired.co.uk
Design­er Fabi­enne Felder wants to reuphol­ster jumbo jets with moss. In her vision, pas­sen­gers will sit on ver­dant tufts while the bryophytes puri­fy the air and use elec­tron…

Power plant: this radio runs on moss
by Joseph Flaherty, wired.co.uk

Design­er Fabi­enne Felder wants to reuphol­ster jumbo jets with moss. In her vision, pas­sen­gers will sit on ver­dant tufts while the bryophytes puri­fy the air and use elec­trons cap­tured dur­ing pho­to­syn­the­sis to power the Direct TV pan­e…
