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Connect Global Visit to the Elders Home in El Porvenir

Connect Global Visit to the Elders Home in El Porvenir

Connect Global mission team visit to El Porvenir

There are many ways that Connect Global has chosen to impact communities in Honduras. We often will find smaller sub communities to work with and one of those communities is the Elders Home in El Porvenir. Last year we visited and delivered prescription glasses as well as other items that were requested to help them create handmade gifts and crafts which they then sell to supplement their income.

This home provides a safe a secure place for some of El Porvenir’s most vulnerable citizens to engage with others, make crafts, and be fed. Our relationship with the Director, Olivia, has been able to help us know what is needed and what will be a blessing to the men and women who benefit from this home. It is our desire to help in any way possible and to help find sustainable ways to supplement the work Olivia is doing.


In addition to prescription glasses and knitting materials we have also provided a fully functional aquaponic food system. This is a blessing to the home’s already functioning chicken coops and in ground gardens. Aquaponics is a way for the home to provide some extra proteins and leafy veggies to an already vulnerable group of people and help ensure a nutritious diet.

Improving someone’s quality of life is easier to achieve than you may think.

We are grateful for you and for all the supporters we have been so fortunate to have been backed by over the years. We are always on the look out for more ways to support and help these communities and we will continue to share with you the success of those outreaches and how you can get plugged in.

If you are able to give a donation whether it is financial or something like glasses, small electronics, or medial supplies please click the donation button below or send us an email.

Thank You

Connect Global is always looking for new ways to connect with and impact citizens of all ages in Honduras.

Connect Global is always looking for new ways to connect with and impact citizens of all ages in Honduras.

The Connect Global Team shared a fun morning with the elders of El Porvenir and were blessed to invest in their community by purchasing some of the handmade crafts they had prepared.

The Connect Global Team shared a fun morning with the elders of El Porvenir and were blessed to invest in their community by purchasing some of the handmade crafts they had prepared.

Giving the Gift of Vision

Giving the Gift of Vision

Connect Global was able to give glasses to and improve vision for seniors in need.

There are many ways that Connect Global has chosen to help and raise up the communities in Honduras. We have many large projects, but you may be surprised to find out that along the way we also find other ways to make a difference as well.

One of the ways we recently supported the communities in Honduras was by bringing new eye glasses to a senior home. These glasses were donated to Connect Global, and we knew that we had the perfect recipients. We have been visiting this special home over the past year and providing many different valuable gifts to this amazing group.

Kids are back to class in La Ceiba, Honduras

Kids are back to class in La Ceiba, Honduras

In addition to these glasses we have also provided a fully functional aquaponic food system. This is a supplement to the homes already functioning chicken coops and in ground gardens. This is a way for the home to provide some extra proteins and fresh veggies to an already vulnerable group of people and help ensure a nutritious diet.

A quality of life improvement is easier to achieve than you may think.

We are grateful for you and for all the supporters we have been so fortunate to have been backed by over the years. We are always on the look out for more ways to support and help these communities and will always share with you the success of those outreaches and how you can plug in to. If you are able to give a donation whether it is financial or something like glasses, electronics, or medial supplies please click the donation button below or send us an email. Thank You

Connect Global is always looking for new ways to improve the lives of those around us.

Connect Global is always looking for new ways to improve the lives of those around us.

Individuals receive new glasses donated to Connect Global in Honduras.

Individuals receive new glasses donated to Connect Global in Honduras.

Medical Clinic in Cusuna Honduras

Medical Clinic in Cusuna Honduras

Spending time in the clinic in Cusuna, hearing the heartbreaking stories of malnourished children.
This is us leaving the clinic with a joy and hope in what God can do for the children with just a little bit of strategy and resourcefulness. We talke…

Spending time in the clinic in Cusuna, hearing the heartbreaking stories of malnourished children.

This is us leaving the clinic with a joy and hope in what God can do for the children with just a little bit of strategy and resourcefulness. We talked about tangible ways that the doctor is educating new mothers on how to best nourish their children by compensating for the lack of a healthy diet for the mom. As a joint effort, the Cusuna Coalition, pitched in by delivering several “doses” of Formula that will jumpstart the infants health. 

Please email us if you would like to help in any way.