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The Great Commission

The Great Commission

The Connect Global Team operates under the mandate found in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ". Our purpose is To share the Good News of Jesus around the world and help others do the same. One of the ways we are accomplishing this is by partnering with Pastors and Missionaries around the world who do the work of making disciples in some of the farthest, and most unreached areas in the world. 

Cumbre Nacional de Líderes Ministeriales

Cumbre Nacional de Líderes Ministeriales

Cumbre Nacional de Líderes Ministerales de Coneccion Global y APEC - Asociación de Pastores Evangelicos de La Ceiba 2018

Estamos muy emocionados de anunciar nuestra Cumbre Nacional de Lideres Ministerales Honduras 2018 que se llevara a cabo este Julio 16 al 21.


Edificando Líderes Fuertes en cada segmento de la sociedad en La Ceiba y en todo Honduras

Fomentar La Visión de los hondureños como:

  1. Ministros
  2. Plantadores de iglesias
  3. Misioneros

Empoderar a las iglesias locales como representantes del Reino y Líderes de Atención Comunitaria de La Ceiba y en todo Honduras


Habrán diversas oportunidades para poder compartir el evangelio con nuestros vecinos mientras levantamos y equipamos una generacion de lideres a que se conviertan en los proximos agentes de cambio.  








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Cumbre Nacional de Lideres Ministerales

2018 Mission Trip Announcement from Connect Global

2018 Mission Trip Announcement from Connect Global

We are very excited about the next round of Connect Global Mission Trips for 2018. 

At Connect Global we love taking both new and repeat team members on trips to Honduras and other locations.

Something special always takes place when a group of people from different places, and backgrounds all rally around the unified goal of serving others. 

A Mission Trip is not easy, but we do have fun.

Through sweat, tears, and laughter we take a small group of people and make a huge difference in the lives of those needing a hand up! 

We hope you will go with us in 2018 and jump into missions with both feet! 

The Connect Global Mission Trips are listed here, and you can get more information by clicking the boxes below! 

Global Pathway in Honduras presented by Dr Mitch Arbeláez

Global Pathway in Honduras presented by Dr Mitch Arbeláez

What is Global Pathway?

God loves to bless the work of the local church when that work includes reaching out to the nations of the earth.
— Dr. Jerry Williamson, President of Go To Nations



We understand the struggles of leading the local church. Pastors and church leaders carry a dream deep within their hearts to see God's call fulfilled in their own lives and in their churches.  Endless hours of work and sacrifice are often given, year after year, in order to see the church progress in true spiritual growth and purpose.  But many times, one area of the church's growth seems to fall short because the pastor does not know exactly how to approach it--namely, the church's global outreach or missions program. Global Pathway is designed to help pastors eliminate the uncertainty of missions and help their churches launch strong missions programs or help create new potential for existing ones.  

Three Core Principles form the foundation for this transformational training:

1. Every Christian is called by God to take personal ownership of the Great Commission.

2. The local church is God's primary instrument to reach the world for Christ, and must be mobilized for this purpose.

3. The local church is the seed bed for all missionaries, and the sending force behind all missionaries.  

Global Pathway Training in La Ceiba, Honduras June 10th, 2017 and in Tegucigalpa June 15th 

Dr. Mitch Arbeláez Will Be Joining Connect Global This June To Lead A Teaching Of Global Pathway, At CCI Church In Honduras.

Mitch & Michelle Arbeláez video en Español

Thoughts on Leadership From Dr David Shibley

Thoughts on Leadership From Dr David Shibley

UPDATE: Dr. David Shibley will unfortunately not be able to be a guest speaker in Honduras at the National Ministry Leaders Summit, June 8-17, 2017 you can learn more here.



Some thoughts on ministry and leadership that I've developed over the years....

Dr. David Shibley

Global Advance

Effective leadership is influencing people in the areas and for the purposes God intended for your life. Additionally, for the Christian effective leadership involves the discovery and utilization of your dominant spiritual gifts as well as keeping focused on where you can make your unique contribution.


A ministry leader's role includes:


1) defining and continually clarifing the corporate ministry vision,

2) consistently casting that vision before friends, partners, and the recipients of the ministry,

3) thanking staff and partners, and

4) raising the money necessary to fulfill the vision.

A Christ-honoring leader will seek always to point people to Jesus. He will keep the corporate vision clear both to himself and to the team. He will discern the direction the wind of the Spirit is blowing, and let the Spirit's momentum move him in that direction.

-Dr. David Shibley

Dr. Mitch Arbeláez

Dr. Mitch Arbeláez

Dr. Mitch Arbeláez will be joining Connect Global this June to lead a teaching of Global Pathway, at CCI Church in La Ceiba, Honduras.

He will also be a part of our exciting Multi-Day National Ministry Leaders Summit. This will be the second Time for Dr. Mitch to join Connect Global in Honduras and We could not be more excited to have him. 

Dr. Mitch Arbeláez

Mitch works as the director of the Global Pathway missionary mobilization program for Latin America. Along with his wife, Michelle, they are instrumental in assisting pastors and church leaders to become more mission-minded and to raise up missionaries to go to the least-reached areas of our world. Mitch and Michelle believe that the potential of mobilizing whole nations for the Great Commission work of God is now.

Nations are waiting for the Gospel and other nations need to know their God-given potential to reach those waiting nations. Now is the time to awaken and mobilize all nations to complete the Great Commission.

Along with these responsibilities, Mitch is part of the Go To Nation's world headquarter team helping to train and lead the entire organization in all that God has for them.

Dr. Mitch Arbeláez of Go To Nations

Dr. Mitch Arbeláez

Go To Nations

Connect Global National Ministry Leaders Summit In Honduras

Connect Global National Ministry Leaders Summit In Honduras

Connect Global National Ministry Leaders Summit In Honduras 2017

We are very excited to announce our National Ministry Leaders Summit in Honduras that will take place this June 8 through the 17th. 

The National Ministry Leaders Tour will kick off in La Ceiba, on June 9th and 10th. 

Johnny Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Our team which will include, Travis Moffitt, Dr. Johnny Moffitt, David Humphries, Dr. Mitch Arbelaez and many others will be hosting an outreach to the local prisons of the area as well. 

Johnny Moffitt, of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness, is a prison ministry with well over 30 years serving some of the worst prisons from San Quentin to the Former Soviet Union, his charismatic style coupled with enough hard truth to sink a ship make him a favorite everywhere he travels. 

As the tour continues, Dr. Mitch Arbeláez will join us To teach Global Pathway along side the Leader Summit. 

Dr. Mitch Arbeláez, from Go To Nations, works as the director of the Global Pathway missionary mobilization program for Latin America. Along with his wife, Michelle, they are instrumental in assisting pastors and church leaders to become more mission-minded and to raise up missionaries to go to the least-reached areas of our world. 

The tour will culminate in Tegucigalpa, Honduras June 14-15.  

This multi-day event will Include a full day of training from Dr. Mitch Arbeláez as he goes through the Global Pathway Training Material and will include a strategic focus on two separate tracks of teaching, including; Prison Ministry, and Becoming an Agent of Change in world Missions and evangelism.

We invite you to join us for this wonderful time in Honduras.

There will be many great opportunities to share the Gospel with the country of Honduras while encouraging and equipping a generation of leaders to become the next group of world changers. 

Get Dates, and Apply to Attend, National Ministry Leaders Summit. 

Find out more about our Speakers and Topics Here

Download the Event Brochure Here

National Ministry Leaders Summit

We will be traveling to Cuba

We will be traveling to Cuba

Travis and I will be joining a group from Texas, and Florida to travel to Cuba for a week.

We are partnering with Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness, a global prison ministry with over 38 years of visiting some of the baddest prisons in the world. Their founder, Johnny Moffitt, has invited us along on this, his third trip, to help lead, and document the wonderful work they have been involved with. 

Encouraging and Teaching church leaders and volunteers to continue serving the nation of Cuba and to share vision and hope for the future

We are going to be a part of the impact that is already underway through the teaching and training of some of Cuba's greatest volunteers. Helping to encourage leaders and also learn from their service will be a great joy for us. 

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this week and next while we travel to Cuba amidst newly restored Cuban relations and our own U.S. Presidential election.

Please keep our families back in Texas and Florida in your prayers as well. 

Thank You! 

Javier Mendoza

Business Leadership Conference Recap

Business Leadership Conference Recap

The Business Leadership Conference

This August we had the opportunity to provide a Business Leadership Conference to the City of La Ceiba. We partnered with Global Advance to provide both strategic and specific ways to grow businesses in La Ceiba. Global Advance believes that 'Training Christian businessmen and women in developing nations increases economic and spiritual capital throughout the world.'

Via iconnectglobal on Instagram:"Building relationships is paramount to making the biggest impact possible. We are made to work together and we need one another to succeed." #GoServeChange#Honduras#marketplacemissions

Via iconnectglobal on Instagram:

"Building relationships is paramount to making the biggest impact possible. We are made to work together and we need one another to succeed." 


We are excited about the potential that this conference has opened up in the community of La Ceiba and for the Christian Business Owners and Entrepreneurs of Honduras. The Global Advance Marketplace Missions conferences are very practical and leaders are encouraged to grow their business as a means to reach their community and change their country for the better. 

The team from Global Advance included, Jonathan Shibley - President of Global Advance, Hallie Powers - Global Advance Staff Member, Andrew Hodges - Orthodontist, Brad & Kathleen Watson - Entrepreneurs and Business Owners , and Lorne & Mary Liechty- Former Mayor of Heath Texas, Attorney, and ORU Alumni


Teaching Business Principles Through Personal Experience

Each session was full of practical tools as well as spiritual inspiration to become a financial force for good. Growing spiritually, and ethically strong businesses not only improves each business owners status but it has strong national and global impact as well.

Hearing the personal stories of both successes and challenges from each of the team members really resonated with the attendees. Questions were answered by the team and a time of networking was built into the schedule as well.

The business leaders really enjoyed the personal access they had to each of the speakers. 


Marketplace Visits

The team also visited several local businesses and private schools to provide insight, encouragement and prayer for their business. The team was able to make about 10 of these marketplace visits, and were able to make financial investments into several businesses around town. 

Thank You

Thank You for your prayer and encouragement for the city of La Ceiba. There are many stories here of people and families who have created opportunity for their families to sustainably get out of poverty and remain independent of foreign "handouts".

Connect Global has, from the outset, always encouraged partnership over traditional "handout" style giving. We believe the solutions for Hondurans exist within Honduras. We have come alongside to offer education, experience, and the encouragement to keep fighting for what is right.

By working Together we all become better citizens, better family members, better leaders, and better catalysts of change in our communities. 

Esther Initiative Recap

Esther Initiative Recap

Esther Initiative in La Ceiba Honduras  

We are grateful to Global Advance for their leadership and partnership to bring Esther Initiative to La Ceiba, Honduras. Their US Based team led the charge to raise up modern day Esther's in La Ceiba.

Hallie Powers, Kathleen Watson, and Mary Liechty from Global Advance spoke to over 1000 women at Puerta Del Cielo Church. Their message was timely and inspirational. 


Global Advance Esther Initiative


With the goal of providing “… a vision in their hearts and tools in their hands,” The Esther Initiative serves to:

  • Empower women with truth from God’s Word through foundational Biblical resources.
  • Encourage women to retain God’s instruction through ongoing discipleship modeling and small group accountability.
  • Mobilize women to reflect God’s character to a lost world by launching emerging leaders through intentional leadership training.

The Esther Initiative Leadership Session


The Second day of Esther Initiative was dedicated to training leaders. With a full room of well over 60 church and community leaders you could sense the movement to become modern day Esther's become even more real as the leaders received practical advice on how to empower and change their city in a meaningful way.

The Global Advance team handed out workbooks and other gift items meant to initiate and inspire growth in the women of La Ceiba. Coupled with ongoing mentorship and small group activities, the Esther Initiative's powerful concepts have been given feet to become a catalyst of empowerment in this community . 

Thank You

Thank You to the entire team at Global Advance for bringing Esther Initiative to La Ceiba. Thank You to the church teams of Puerta Del Cielo, and CCI in La Ceiba for their work coordinating efforts and inviting women to partake in this conference.

Thank You to all of our partners for praying for this conference and being a part of this movement from home.