UPDATE: Dr. David Shibley will unfortunately not be able to be a guest speaker in Honduras at the National Ministry Leaders Summit, June 8-17, 2017 you can learn more here.
Some thoughts on ministry and leadership that I've developed over the years....
Dr. David Shibley
Global Advance
Effective leadership is influencing people in the areas and for the purposes God intended for your life. Additionally, for the Christian effective leadership involves the discovery and utilization of your dominant spiritual gifts as well as keeping focused on where you can make your unique contribution.
A ministry leader's role includes:
1) defining and continually clarifing the corporate ministry vision,
2) consistently casting that vision before friends, partners, and the recipients of the ministry,
3) thanking staff and partners, and
4) raising the money necessary to fulfill the vision.
A Christ-honoring leader will seek always to point people to Jesus. He will keep the corporate vision clear both to himself and to the team. He will discern the direction the wind of the Spirit is blowing, and let the Spirit's momentum move him in that direction.
-Dr. David Shibley