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In Honduras, the Garifuna are an “invisible” people

In Honduras, the Garifuna are an “invisible” people

Connect Global has long been a champion of the Garifuna People. We first visited a Garifuna home when we traveled to Cusuna in 2004. We believe in the Gospel message being made available to everyone in every corner of the earth and we are for Garifuna Lives to be able to access this life changing message and for them.

Medical Clinic in Cusuna Honduras

Medical Clinic in Cusuna Honduras

Spending time in the clinic in Cusuna, hearing the heartbreaking stories of malnourished children.
This is us leaving the clinic with a joy and hope in what God can do for the children with just a little bit of strategy and resourcefulness. We talke…

Spending time in the clinic in Cusuna, hearing the heartbreaking stories of malnourished children.

This is us leaving the clinic with a joy and hope in what God can do for the children with just a little bit of strategy and resourcefulness. We talked about tangible ways that the doctor is educating new mothers on how to best nourish their children by compensating for the lack of a healthy diet for the mom. As a joint effort, the Cusuna Coalition, pitched in by delivering several “doses” of Formula that will jumpstart the infants health. 

Please email us if you would like to help in any way.