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Esther Initiative

Esther Initiative Recap

Esther Initiative Recap

Esther Initiative in La Ceiba Honduras  

We are grateful to Global Advance for their leadership and partnership to bring Esther Initiative to La Ceiba, Honduras. Their US Based team led the charge to raise up modern day Esther's in La Ceiba.

Hallie Powers, Kathleen Watson, and Mary Liechty from Global Advance spoke to over 1000 women at Puerta Del Cielo Church. Their message was timely and inspirational. 


Global Advance Esther Initiative


With the goal of providing “… a vision in their hearts and tools in their hands,” The Esther Initiative serves to:

  • Empower women with truth from God’s Word through foundational Biblical resources.
  • Encourage women to retain God’s instruction through ongoing discipleship modeling and small group accountability.
  • Mobilize women to reflect God’s character to a lost world by launching emerging leaders through intentional leadership training.

The Esther Initiative Leadership Session


The Second day of Esther Initiative was dedicated to training leaders. With a full room of well over 60 church and community leaders you could sense the movement to become modern day Esther's become even more real as the leaders received practical advice on how to empower and change their city in a meaningful way.

The Global Advance team handed out workbooks and other gift items meant to initiate and inspire growth in the women of La Ceiba. Coupled with ongoing mentorship and small group activities, the Esther Initiative's powerful concepts have been given feet to become a catalyst of empowerment in this community . 

Thank You

Thank You to the entire team at Global Advance for bringing Esther Initiative to La Ceiba. Thank You to the church teams of Puerta Del Cielo, and CCI in La Ceiba for their work coordinating efforts and inviting women to partake in this conference.

Thank You to all of our partners for praying for this conference and being a part of this movement from home.